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Developing collaborative applications in the cloud (Ruben Daniëls, Lieke Arends) - Sud Web 2011

Developing collaborative applications in the cloud (Ruben Daniëls, Lieke Arends) - Sud Web 2011

Web browsers are now full part of the « Web as a platform » motto. Cloud9IDE is one of those new Web IDE, based on Open Web technologies.

With everything moving to the Cloud, it is now time to have software development join in. JavaScript applications run online for a purpose, so why shouldn't you develop your application online too? So, to do this we are building Cloud9 IDE as a SaaS service with an open source foundation.

But what are the advantages of the cloud? In this talk we will go into the advantages that the cloud infrastructure offers to developers and how they can work faster.

A major aspect of developing in the cloud is the social aspect. We will explain the future of collaboration when moving development to the cloud. However, there are some challenges to collaboration. We will explain the subtleties of collaboration tooling and the challenges it brings.

Why for example did Google Wave get so many complaints, leading to its end. We will explain why collaboration has no single method and use a timeslider/ track changes comparison for purpose of explaining the subtlety.
Then we will go deeper into the browser. Advanced widgets need to innovate the browser platform to compete with flash/ silverlight/ java: HTML5. We will talk about HTML5 more in detail.

Then we will highlight how easy it is to develop software in the Cloud using Cloud9 IDE, and we will show how to extend the IDE. believes in the open web. Opening up technologies to stand on each other's shoulders, whilst creating healthy businesses. One of the key features of a great IDE is a great code editor. For this part developed Ace, which has recently been adopted by Mozilla as the new Bespin and future code editor for Firefox. The combined power of Mozilla and now makes Ace the best, and most universal code editor on the web. Everything in Cloud9 is an extension, and we are inviting people and companies to join the community to extend the IDE to their own needs and requirements.

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