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Soul-Specific Obligations: Everyone Has Unique Divine Mandates they Must Fulfill to Satisfy God

  • 0:00 - 0:15
    “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.”
    “Atiullah atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum.”
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    And a reminder for myself ana abdukal 'ajeezu, 
    dayeefu, miskinu, zhalim, wa jahl, and but for
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    the grace of Allah (AJ) that we’re still 
    in existence. What do we have from our
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    audience, inshaAllah. Salaams (greetings) to all 
    the people online watching. Allah (AJ) bless you,
  • 0:39 - 0:45
    all your comments, all your shares, all 
    the posts on the social media platforms,
  • 0:45 - 0:50
    alhamdulillah. InshaAllah the Instagram 
    platforms, anywhere there’s social media
  • 0:50 - 0:55
    sharing it and sharing the post, inshaAllah 
    Allah (AJ) dress everyone and bless everyone.
  • 0:55 - 1:04
    MashAllah the Muhammadan Way Army 
    is very strong, we're everywhere.
  • 1:04 - 1:10
    As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
    Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
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    Sayyidi it's been extremely hard struggling 
    with my nafs and ego in the last nine days.
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    Despite how much I've been trying 
    I keep falling. Is it related to
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    Prophet’s ﷺ struggle from Makkah to Madina?
    [Shaykh laughs] Nice try. Yeah, that's… that's
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    a good one. Try to, when we fall short, try to 
    penalize ourselves. That not to give an excuse
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    for it, ‘Oh this must be because Prophet 
    ﷺ was suffering in Makkah, Madina’. No,
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    this... the suffering of Prophet ﷺ is not 
    something comparable. That's you know if you
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    have real hardship and you've been crushed for 13 
    years like in the lives of the shaykhs. They've
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    been continuously crushed and crushed and crushed 
    and crushed, so that's the inheritance. But when
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    we just don't do what we need to do then punish 
    yourself. Give your zakat (charity), give sadaqah,
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    make a well, do all these things that are a 
    blessing but it's hard on the nafs (ego). So that,
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    that is a great struggle. So a part of this whole 
    process of tariqah (spiritual path) is to become
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    in tune with yourself - your nafs and know how 
    to punish it and how to reward it. So when you
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    want to punish your nafs then you do service, you 
    do khidmat, you do all these things to tame the
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    nafs. Right? So why when you ride the horse you 
    have a whip? Well until you're good because they
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    when they're really good they just ride with…
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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    It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
    Thank you for watching
  • 3:05 - 3:08
    the video that you’re watching.
    InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content
  • 3:08 - 3:14
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    the button below. The programs that we have for
  • 3:14 - 3:21
    our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the 
    gift of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5
  • 3:21 - 3:30
    vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan 
    and many programs that reach thousands of people
  • 3:31 - 3:39
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  • 3:39 - 3:51
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  • 3:51 - 3:54
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
    …their legs, with their knees they can control the
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    animal. When they're not good, you're going 
    to find in their hand to whip and they have
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    to keep whipping each side so that the animal 
    will do as the rider requests. So more fierce
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    is the nafs of people. So what are you whipping 
    it with? That's what's important. So if you just,
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    ‘Oh yeah, my nafs just didn't want to do it. 
    Maybe let's find a historical figure and give
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    it's like that’. But no, say we have to punish the 
    nafs. Do more service, do more khidmat, do this,
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    do that and that becomes important in the 
    tariqah to understand ourselves and how to
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    struggle against the self. It's very important 
    because one of the things that people want to
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    come and do khidmat (service) that, ‘Oh I want to 
    serve, I want to serve, I want to serve,’ as soon
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    as you give the opportunity to serve, they don't 
    serve. Very dangerous. So that's when you begin to
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    know yourself and you know that you're playing 
    with a dangerous reality. So it means when you
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    want to serve, you serve and now you're under the 
    eyes of all of these realities. That's not the
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    time to sit back and not serve. That's the time 
    to step up and really serve. Then you understand
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    your nafs. So we've said that many times, all of 
    a sudden somebody likes chocolate, you offer them
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    chocolate, say: ‘Why did you offer me chocolate?’ 
    I said, ‘But I thought you like chocolate’. Say,
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    ‘No, but why you always offer me chocolate’. So 
    means they’re not understanding now their nafs and
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    how their nafs is starting to play with them and 
    that's when you have to you know fight your nafs,
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    fight your ego. When you’re called into service, 
    you serve with your life and your death,
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    not your dunya comes first, nothing comes 
    first. Your service comes first. So the
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    rest is just shaitan (satan) playing with you. So 
    that's what's important and that's what you know
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    separates the mice from the men. As soon as they 
    understood that, their allegiance kicks in and
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    they serve and you know all you need is a few 
    good men. You don't need thousands from around
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    the world. Thousands may come and say they want to 
    serve and by the time you're finished, you got 10
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    who are actually serving the tariqah and serving 
    the shaykh's mission. It's okay that you want to
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    come but at least you'll find out about yourself 
    that you don't make it, you didn't sort of pass
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    you know the recruiting level. It's like the army. 
    I don't know if any of you’ve gone to army school
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    or to army. We had the fortunate ability to go to 
    an army school. So as soon as we were in there,
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    you know you're recruited in and they break you 
    down at every chance. And, ‘Do this, do 20, do 50.
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    Now sit like...’ They're continuously bombarding 
    you until you think you want to quit but they
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    don't let you to quit. You know they just want to 
    break you down. But the same thing is for the nafs
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    is that when we enter in, it's a opportunity for 
    Allah (AJ) to show us ourselves, so that you know
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    not to be defeated by ourself. Because you entered 
    into the fight and now you found out you're going
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    to be defeated by your nafs so that that's not 
    a good sign. That's why we said that that's a
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    dangerous sign. So the blessings of service is 
    that as soon as you’re called into service, it
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    has to be done. Do it! And then that becomes the 
    life of the shaykh. They're doing on you know many
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    different levels and many different directions, 
    paying attention to everything and they're trying
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    to train people like themselves. That you know 
    function on every level and that becomes a deep
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    reality. ‘But Shaykh I have all these dunya 
    (material world) responsibilities,’ yes. But
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    as long as you focus on dunya then your focus on 
    akhirah (hereafter) is not there. And that's not
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    the way. Right? That's not the reliance, that's 
    not the example of your shaykh. The example you
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    have to follow from your shaykh is when you follow 
    your khidmat, Allah (AJ) takes care of your dunya,
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    means facilitates things for you. Not that you 
    just sit back and don't do anything – that's
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    completely wrong but as soon as you do a lot of 
    service, you're deep into your khidmat, you're
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    doing all these things, Allah (AJ) opens things 
    that you could never imagine. People that help
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    you, people come facilitate, opportunities for 
    work that are not so intense. Means that your
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    focus became heavens and the heaven focused on you 
    and that's what the shaykh is trying to get people
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    to. But they'll never reach there if their focus 
    is on dunya. And say, ‘Oh well my dunya is going
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    to fall and collapse’. I said, ‘Well we haven't 
    seen a dunya fall and collapse yet. It's still
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    here. Look everybody's still playing with it.’ So 
    that's just shaitan making the fear of poverty.
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    Shaitan operates with fear. So if any type of 
    fear comes to you, that's just from shaitan.
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    But the system that the shaykhs operate from is 
    that their life is to focus on Allah (AJ) and
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    Prophet ﷺ. As a result, everything comes flowing 
    to them, inshaAllah. So that's the same system,
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    that's important and especially in these 
    days do your service, do your service,
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    do your service, inshaAllah.
    As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
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    Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
    How important it is to be crushed in
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    the imitation Hajj (pilgrimage) to reach the black 
    stone, Khafa (hidden) reality? Please forgive me.
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    How important is it? Yeah, that that you know 
    when we discuss these things, these are a lifelong
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    process. So you're not going to get crushed one 
    time. Otherwise, most people would die if they
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    go through that one event and Allah (AJ) crushed 
    them completely. Those, that's up to Allah (AJ) if
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    He’s going to do that to a servant. It can be very 
    heavy that would be like Sabr e Ayub. You know the
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    Prophet Ayub (as)... Ja… ya… Ayub.. Jake… yaku… 
    not it’s not… Ayub is in English.., is what word
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    in English? The three council don't know or you 
    just keep smiling at me? [Shaykh asks audience]
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    Jacob. Jacob Sayyidi.
    Jacob is Ayub?
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    Yes, Sayyidi.
    That’s Yaqub [Shaykh laughs]. Okay,
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    the other three council. Nobody dares? ‘Sabr e 
    Ayub,’ inshaAllah. The importance of Ayub (as)
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    is what? That he had a lot and Allah (AJ) 
    wanted to test him and the angel said,
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    ‘Well he has a lot that's why He loves you 
    so much. You gave him so much’. He said, ‘No,
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    this one if I crush him, he's going to love Me’. 
    And that becomes then the famous reality and story
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    of patience is that He took everything away from 
    this servant – his family, his children, his life,
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    his wealth, his possessions and then his health 
    and put him in such a severe difficulty that
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    the angels were astonished and that his sincerity 
    and worshipness was like no other. And as soon as
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    Allah (AJ) declared the test finished, immediately 
    restored his life, his wealth, his possession, his
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    family, his children and his health all restored 
    back by Allah’s (AJ) ‘Azimat (Might). But for us
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    our lives when we describe these stations 
    and being crushed in the way of Prophet ﷺ,
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    it's lifelong. So every time you get humiliated by 
    somebody, say: ‘For the sake of this Akhfa (most
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    hidden) reality and the reality of Prophet ﷺ, I'm 
    going to remain quiet’. So show Prophet ﷺ, ‘I have
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    beatific character’. It's not one time. You're 
    going to be tested over and over and over and
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    over and over by people of authority, people who 
    count, people who you looked up to, everything,
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    every type of difficulty comes and Allah (AJ) 
    wants to see beatific character and that becomes
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    lifelong being crushed for the sake of Prophet ﷺ. 
    And we described Nabi Musa (as) went through that
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    by taking the humiliation of Sayyidina Khidr (as). 
    That everyone has to go through that to reach to
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    Prophet ﷺ because this is Wahid (The Unique One) 
    Al-Qahhar (The Subduer). You want to enter into
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    the oceans of Wahid and Oneness then all identity 
    has to be stripped. Qahhar – Allah (AJ) crushing
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    everything so that it’s just one. You know all 
    the individuality has to be crushed out of it and
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    it becomes just a ocean of light. So, these are 
    immense realities in which to strive and struggle
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    for. But we start at the beginning for people 
    so people have to when they hear all of this,
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    they first have to what? Make their muraqabah 
    (spiritual connection). Did they do the muraqabah?
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    Are they super strong in their connection – is the 
    key to everything. Otherwise, how are you going to
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    get to all these realities? You... muraqabah is 
    like your train, a bullet train. You want to get
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    on and go to all of these destinations. Say, ‘Oh I 
    love all these stories and all these realities of
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    destinations. I'm going to just… I'm going to get 
    there. I don't know how, I'm going to hitchhike
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    there’. It doesn't happen like that. Everything 
    is based on making the connection to your rocket,
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    your train. It's like a bullet train, as soon 
    as you get on ‘phew’ it take you right into
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    that destination but that you have to master how 
    to make the connection and how to survive with
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    that connection, inshaAllah.
    As salaamu alaykum ya Shaykh
  • 14:08 - 14:09
    Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
    Shaykh since I entered
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    into tariqah (spiritual path), I'm facing a lot 
    of cockroaches as they were my biggest fear, even
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    while closing my eyes or in meditation thousands 
    of them. What is the reality behind this?
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    Cockroaches? Did we find out 
    the name for Ayub (as)?
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    Jobe. Jobe or Job?
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    InshaAllah, cockroaches – bad
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    character. I think we have in other talks that 
    what is the punishment of the grave? It's the
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    energy that we take with us. Close the lights, 
    put us in a box, you're there with your energy.
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    People want to blame Allah (AJ), ‘Oh Allah (AJ) 
    going to punish you in the grave’. It's not really
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    Allah (AJ) punishing you in the grave, it's Allah 
    (AJ) warning you, ‘Don't take those things in the
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    grave with you’. As a warning like you tell your 
    children, ‘Oh you picked up a lot of garbage and
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    now you want to go shut yourself in the closet and 
    turn the lights off?’ You're going to be surprised
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    what starts to come out of your pocket and out of 
    you know what you brought with you. So it's what
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    we take with us in the grave that's dangerous. 
    The bad character are like roaches. You know all
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    the droppings. That going around and gossiping we 
    said before is like a rat and his droppings. Have
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    you ever seen like a rat or a mouse somewhere? 
    They just make their droppings everywhere. That's
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    what people get sick from the animal, is not 
    only the rat he’s not going to bite you that
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    much because you're not chasing him. But it's his 
    droppings that make everything sick and everything
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    contaminated. So, same thing people begin to act 
    like that, contaminate everyone with their speech,
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    their actions, their gossiping. So then Allah's 
    (AJ) showing these animals, these insects, people
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    have those characteristics. Wasp they hurt people, 
    they sting people. Fox, they're too cunning,
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    too sneaky. Snakes they're just evil and wicked 
    and bad energy. So Allah (AJ) is granting people
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    to have a khalwah (seclusion) before the big 
    seclusion. Means if they're meditating and
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    doing their practices, they can begin to see 
    a lot of the manifestation of these creatures
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    and these are important. Make your istighfar 
    (seeking forgiveness) and to rid yourself of
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    these energies while alive because we don't want 
    to take those in the grave with us, inshaAllah.
  • 16:59 - 17:03
    As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
    Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
  • 17:03 - 17:09
    Sayyidi I converted to Islam a few years ago. 
    I feel sometimes that around different people
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    my energy level goes down and I can't understand 
    why my mood is so low. How other people's energy
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    can influence you? Sometimes when I'm around a 
    specific person I feel her bad energy and feel
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    like she's always wants the worst for me.
    Yeah, we have different teachings on the
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    energy. That you have to go through the 
    energy book and read the energy book,
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    read the meditation book. So you know the books 
    that we have are part of the curriculum so it's
  • 17:39 - 17:43
    important to read those. If you don't want to 
    read them then go to the website and read the
  • 17:43 - 17:50
    articles on energy. That's you know, that's the 
    whole 101 of everything we teach about energy
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    and connection and how to make your connection, 
    inshaAllah. Those things are very important.
  • 17:59 - 18:11
    As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
    Huh, finished?
  • 18:11 - 18:14
    Are you continuing, next question?
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    Next question, inshaAllah.
    As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
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    Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
    Is it okay to feel a jealousy towards service?
  • 18:31 - 18:39
    It's okay to feel jealousy in competition 
    in religion. That Prophet ﷺ described that
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    competition in religion is good. To compete with 
    your brother and try to do more and better and
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    to be more of service and other people be of 
    service. So it encourages us to do more. But
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    just to be envious that the person does and I 
    don't do is not good. Envious character is not
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    good but to compete and say, ‘Oh you know, they're 
    doing a lot. I should go out and do more. They
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    got a lot of food this week, I'm going to try to 
    get food in my area this week.’ So this is good,
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    this is gives people a himmah and a zeal in 
    which to accomplish more and to do more and
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    to do good deeds, so alhamdulillah. That’s 
    why the people who when we post pictures,
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    they don't like it because they're not doing 
    anything. So they're continuously reminded
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    by the SMC Muhammadan Way Army that look how 
    much they're all doing and everybody else is
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    just sitting on the couch, not anything and then 
    making comments on our posts. ‘Oh why you have to
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    show so many pictures?’ Oh, because that's all 
    they can do. So, you... we're doing the right
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    thing because this is also liked by Prophet ﷺ is 
    post it to encourage them. That people should feel
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    bad they're not doing anything. And if they're 
    doing good things, then alhamdulillah then go
  • 20:02 - 20:16
    out and do more and do better.
    As salaamu alaykum Shaykh
  • 20:16 - 20:18
    Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
    Shaykh how much do we have to do
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    to get accepted by Allah (AJ) and Rasulallah 
    ﷺ? Life is crazy busy and going by so fast.
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    ‘How much do we have to do to get accepted?’ 
    [Shaykh laughs]. That's, that's a good one.
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    You got to do 29.99 and then you're safe [everyone 
    laughs]. I don't know… what's the price and what
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    can people do. That's everybody has their 
    own price with Allah (AJ). Right? You have
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    a price for your salvation. What is it? You have 
    a number on your zikr (Divine remembrance), what
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    is it? You know everybody has a safe. You know 
    when you buy a safe, you put a combination on
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    it. Allah (AJ) gave you a trust and upon that 
    trust is a combination. How much you would give,
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    how much you would do, how much you would 
    pray, how much you would make zikr, how many
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    salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) you 
    would make. Everything, Allah (AJ) describes,
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    ‘Everything is written in Kitab al Mubeen’ 
    – in the clear register. So you weren't sent
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    here random. That's where you got to get out of 
    our minds thinking we're just a random creation.
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    That as soon as we were put into existence, 
    Allah (AJ) wrote within our… what they call
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    ‘DNA’. Even now they find the DNA is your kitab 
    (book). Isn't it amazing that Allah (AJ) gives
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    us a register? That were you're already on 
    a smart contract from heavens and everything
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    was written on that contract. Everything you 
    would do. And if you went the bad direction,
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    you'll never reach that contract because shaitan 
    veered you in the wrong. But if you move towards
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    the right and then Allah (AJ) nudge you towards 
    guidance and then Allah (AJ) nudge you now
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    get your tasbih (prayer beads), well then you 
    have a certain code you have to have reached.
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    25,444,000 ‘Allahs’, 24,444,000 salawats for 
    example and you would have made those salawats
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    and at that time ‘kshh’ [unlocking sound] your 
    heart clicked because this was your trust that
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    when Allah (AJ) says, ‘We offered to them and 
    they said wa qalo bala - and we said yes.’
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    So, Allah (AJ) offered these things to us and 
    we said, ‘Yes’. ‘I would come to the Earth and
  • 22:51 - 22:56
    I would give this, I would do this, I would 
    serve this, I would be with him, I would do
  • 22:56 - 23:02
    like this,’ and everything was written. You can't 
    be with somebody that has not been written for
  • 23:02 - 23:09
    you to guide you. You have to reach towards that 
    guidance. You can't do or achieve anything that
  • 23:09 - 23:15
    you didn't achieve what Allah (AJ) has written 
    for you to achieve. So it means our life is about
  • 23:15 - 23:23
    doing as much as possible. There is no you know 
    29.99 minimum that you can get in and you know,
  • 23:23 - 23:29
    ‘I'm coming through the bargain door of paradise 
    and I just want to do the minimum’. This is about
  • 23:29 - 23:36
    zeal and himmah in which to do the most that we 
    can do, save ourselves from these difficulties
  • 23:36 - 23:41
    that are coming. Especially now when you see 
    everything everywhere. Disclosure coming. You
  • 23:41 - 23:46
    know people texting, my kids were texting, ‘Oh 
    they're having a conference on UFOs’. I said,
  • 23:46 - 23:49
    ‘Well didn't I tell you that they were going to 
    disclose themselves?’ ‘Oh come on, what are you
  • 23:49 - 23:53
    talking about it’. I said, ‘No these are the jinn 
    (unseen beings). They're going to actually come
  • 23:53 - 23:59
    in one of these conferences to scare people and 
    to shock people.’ So this is just a matter of
  • 23:59 - 24:06
    time. So with all of that, you don't think that 
    people would be busy and trying to do their zikr,
  • 24:06 - 24:12
    trying to do their salawats, trying to learn, 
    trying to write, trying to achieve these
  • 24:12 - 24:28
    protections and these blessings for themselves, 
    their family and their communities, inshaAllah.
  • 24:28 - 24:28
    Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma 
    yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen,
  • 24:28 - 24:28
    walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati 
    Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
  • 24:28 - 24:39
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
    It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
  • 24:39 - 24:42
    Thank you for watching the 
    video that you’re watching.
  • 24:42 - 24:47
    InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content 
    and happy with these programs please support
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    the button below. The programs that we have for 
    our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the
  • 24:53 - 25:02
    gift of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 
    vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan
  • 25:02 - 25:10
    and many programs that reach thousands of people 
    and rescue foods and give those supplies to people
  • 25:10 - 25:17
    in need. Your support is greatly appreciated. 
    Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments
  • 25:17 - 25:30
    and please share the stream. Every bit counts.
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Soul-Specific Obligations: Everyone Has Unique Divine Mandates they Must Fulfill to Satisfy God

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English subtitles
