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The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

  • 0:05 - 0:11
    The Bechdel test or the Mo-Movie-Measure is a type of litmus test to assess the presence of women in
  • 0:11 - 0:17
    movies. It originated from Allison Bechdel's comic "Dykes to Watch out for" in 1985.
  • 0:17 - 0:18
    here's how it works
  • 0:18 - 0:22
    a movie just has to pass these three simple questions:
  • 0:22 - 0:27
    the first, are there two or more women in it who have names?
  • 0:27 - 0:30
    second, do they talk to each other?
  • 0:30 -
    and third, do they talk to each other about something other than a man?
The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

The Bechdel Test is a simple way to gauge the active presence of female characters in Hollywood films and just how well rounded and complete those roles are. It was created by Allison Bechdel in her comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For in 1985. It is astonishing the number of popular movies that can't pass this simple test. It demonstrates how little women's complex and interesting lives are underrepresented or non existent in the film industry. We have jobs, creative projects, friendships and struggles among many other things that are actually interesting in our lives... so Hollywood, start writing about it!

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Feminist Frequency

English subtitles

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