0:00:00.517,0:00:04.044 Post Carbon Institute Presents 0:00:04.767,0:00:07.570 The Ultimate Roller Coaster Ride 0:00:07.570,0:00:10.885 An Abbreviated History of Fossil Fuels 0:00:11.608,0:00:14.430 It all started with a big bang. 0:00:14.430,0:00:16.474 Wait, we don't have to go that far. 0:00:16.474,0:00:20.929 The earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago. 0:00:20.929,0:00:23.257 Still too far, try this; 0:00:23.257,0:00:25.895 It's the middle ages,[br]people in Britain 0:00:25.895,0:00:28.117 run out of fire wood[br]and start burning coal. 0:00:28.117,0:00:30.256 But they use up[br]the coal in the ground, 0:00:30.256,0:00:32.923 miners dig deep,[br]coal mines fill with water, 0:00:32.923,0:00:36.427 Thomas Newcomen invents[br]a coal burning steam engine 0:00:36.427,0:00:39.098 to pump out water[br]so miners can keep digging. 0:00:39.098,0:00:41.442 James Watt makes it[br]practical for other uses. 0:00:41.442,0:00:45.061 Now we have ingredients[br]for the industrial revolution. 0:00:45.061,0:00:47.877 Fossil fuels and[br]a way to put them to work. 0:00:47.877,0:00:49.469 All hell breaks loose. 0:00:49.469,0:00:51.455 Coal miners bog down[br]logging coal, 0:00:51.455,0:00:53.103 rails make it easier. 0:00:53.103,0:00:56.054 Rails and steam engines[br]combined make a railroad. 0:00:56.054,0:00:58.391 Michael Faraday makes[br]the first electric motor. 0:00:58.391,0:01:00.757 Nicolas Tesla invents[br]alternating current. 0:01:00.757,0:01:04.527 Soon utility companies start[br]burning coal to generate electricity. 0:01:04.527,0:01:08.877 Meanwhile Edwin Drake drills[br]the first rock oil well in Pennsylvania 0:01:08.877,0:01:13.058 And Carl Daimler (Benz) builds[br]an automobile running on petroleum. 0:01:13.058,0:01:16.262 Coal, tar and oil are[br]turned into industrial chemicals 0:01:16.262,0:01:20.021 and pharmaceuticals that prolong[br]life, more population growth. 0:01:20.021,0:01:22.640 The Wright brothers start [br]oil fueled aviation. 0:01:22.640,0:01:26.439 Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch make[br]fertilizers from fossil fuels. 0:01:26.439,0:01:29.650 Fertilizer and oil powered[br]tractors expand food production, 0:01:29.650,0:01:31.356 feeding more people. 0:01:31.356,0:01:34.341 WWI is the first[br]fossil fueled conflict. 0:01:34.341,0:01:38.073 Then comes WWII giving us [br]guided missiles and atom bombs. 0:01:38.073,0:01:41.755 In between is a great depression,[br]partly caused by overproduction, 0:01:41.755,0:01:45.415 powered assembly lines make[br]products faster than people need them. 0:01:45.415,0:01:49.821 Advertising executives invent[br]consumerism to soak up overproduction. 0:01:49.821,0:01:52.760 It's the 1950's and[br]advertisers use television 0:01:52.760,0:01:55.392 to hook new generations[br]of consumers. 0:01:55.392,0:01:57.624 In the 70's there[br]is an oil shock. 0:01:57.624,0:02:01.408 Everyone shocked to realize[br]how depended they are on oil. 0:02:01.408,0:02:05.078 With the energy crises[br]the environmental movement is born. 0:02:05.078,0:02:08.677 But oil prices fall and[br]everyone forgets energy shortages. 0:02:08.677,0:02:11.727 There is a showdown between[br]market and planned economies. 0:02:11.727,0:02:14.593 Market wins, goodbye[br]"evil Soviet Empire". 0:02:14.593,0:02:17.826 Politicians decide the[br]market will solve everything. 0:02:17.826,0:02:19.684 Personal computers arrive. 0:02:19.684,0:02:22.056 Globalization takes over[br]when the market notices 0:02:22.056,0:02:24.056 labor is cheaper in China. 0:02:24.056,0:02:25.792 Suddenly everyone has a cellphone. 0:02:25.792,0:02:28.008 But world oil production[br]stalls out. 0:02:28.008,0:02:31.694 China is now burning half the world's[br]coal to make export products. 0:02:31.694,0:02:35.539 But where will China get more[br]coal and oil to fuel more growth? 0:02:35.539,0:02:40.368 Environmental problems everywhere,[br]rising CO2 levels lead to record heat waves, 0:02:40.368,0:02:42.803 floods, droughts, oceans acidify. 0:02:42.803,0:02:47.257 Top soil erodes by 25 billion tonnes[br]a year from industrial agriculture. 0:02:47.257,0:02:52.044 Ancient forests disappear,[br]species go extinct at a 1000 times normal rates. 0:02:52.044,0:02:54.240 Fresh water is[br]scarce or poluted. 0:02:54.240,0:02:58.263 Oil companies drill in miles of sea-water[br]because the easy oil is gone. 0:02:58.263,0:03:02.875 But a deep water oil-platform[br]explodes and fouls the gulf of mexico. 0:03:02.875,0:03:06.100 Manufacturing moves to polluting[br]countries where labor is cheap, 0:03:06.100,0:03:10.958 while the US becomes a casino,[br]the financial sector is 40% of the economy. 0:03:10.958,0:03:13.098 But Wall street is[br]over-leveraged, 0:03:13.098,0:03:16.134 banks fail, unemployment soars,[br]credit evaporates, 0:03:16.134,0:03:18.875 the economy is[br]on the verge of collapse! 0:03:19.429,0:03:20.735 Ok, present time. 0:03:20.735,0:03:23.139 It's amazing how far[br]we have come in 200 years. 0:03:23.139,0:03:24.797 Just 3 human life times, 0:03:24.797,0:03:27.166 from the beginning of[br]industrialism until now. 0:03:27.166,0:03:29.098 But where are we headed? 0:03:29.098,0:03:33.913 We can't keep doubling human population,[br]we can't keep dumping carbon in the atmosphere. 0:03:33.913,0:03:38.433 We can't keep ruining topsoil,[br]we can't keep growing population and consumption. 0:03:38.433,0:03:41.848 Or basing our economy[br]on depleting fossil fuels. 0:03:41.848,0:03:45.612 We can't just print more money[br]to solve the debt crisis. 0:03:45.643,0:03:49.035 It's been an exhilarating ride[br]but there are limits. 0:03:49.035,0:03:53.306 Now, it's not the end of the world[br]but we have to do 4 things fast. 0:03:53.306,0:03:55.784 Learn to live without fossil fuels. 0:03:55.784,0:03:58.855 Adapt to the end of economic[br]growth as we've known it. 0:03:58.855,0:04:03.954 Support 7 billion humans and stabilize[br]population at a sustainable level. 0:04:03.954,0:04:07.305 And deal with our legacy of[br]environmental destruction. 0:04:07.305,0:04:11.788 In short, we have to live within nature's[br]budget of renewable resources, 0:04:11.788,0:04:14.402 at rates of natural replenishment. 0:04:14.402,0:04:15.796 Can we do it? 0:04:15.796,0:04:17.652 We have no choice! 0:04:17.652,0:04:19.768 Alternative energy sources are important 0:04:19.768,0:04:23.190 but none can fully replace[br]fossil fuels in the time we have. 0:04:23.190,0:04:27.126 Also, we've designed and built our[br]infrastructure for transport, electricity 0:04:27.126,0:04:30.141 and farming to suit oil, coal and gas. 0:04:30.141,0:04:33.882 Changing to different energy sources[br]will require us to redesign cities, 0:04:33.882,0:04:36.939 manufacturing processes,[br]health care and more. 0:04:36.939,0:04:40.343 We'll also have to rethink some[br]of our cultural values. 0:04:40.343,0:04:44.169 None of our global problems[br]can be tackled in isolation 0:04:44.169,0:04:46.257 and many cannot be fully solved. 0:04:46.257,0:04:49.380 We have to prepare[br]for business as unusual. 0:04:49.380,0:04:51.490 Our best goal is resilience. 0:04:51.490,0:04:54.951 The ability to[br]absorb shocks and keep going. 0:04:54.951,0:04:59.698 If we do nothing, we still get to a[br]post carbon future but it will be bleak. 0:04:59.698,0:05:02.067 However if we plan the transition, 0:05:02.067,0:05:07.074 we can have a world that supports[br]robust communities of healthy creative people 0:05:07.074,0:05:10.288 and ecosystems with[br]millions of other species. 0:05:10.288,0:05:14.113 One way or the other,[br]we are in for the ride of a lifetime. 0:05:14.113,0:05:19.725 Understand the issues and pitch in.[br]It's all hands on deck! 0:05:25.740,0:05:31.208 Narrated by:[br]RICHARD HEINBERG 0:05:31.208,0:05:37.786 Illustrated by:[br]MONSTRO