I can completely notice the differences. Like, you know how I told you when I first started to meditate... I can see-I can visualize all the thoughts. I can, I can, well then I didn't know how aggressive they were-all my thoughts. They were like, "Bam! Bam! Bam!" Like drums rolling, you know? One right after another and, like I said, with transitioning you can hear sound, there was visuals, soundtrack, voice-over, everything! By then, everything! Like, Wow! this sounds more like one short movies right after another. Several, you know, short movies. OK now, it's gotten a lot better. There are not as many as before. There are still a lot. But not as many as before. And I can touch them rather quickly than before. And they're mild now, they're not like drums rolling. They're maybe just like whispering now. Sometime loud, sometime not, but no aggressive drums anymore. Which, can be quite nice.