"If you were women for a day, what would you've done?" I have always... No. - You try to think of number 2. - Yes, tried to think of number 2. - What's the second most... - What do women do which we envy them as men? Eeeh... Put a close up on Calle's face. - What do we men envy women? - I can't think of anything. Yes, it's this thing with... they have this togetherness... And fashion. Fashion and togetherness? And they are open... No, what the hell, I don't know. Sometimes when you meet a group of women it looks like they have so much fun, like some secret thing. I wouldn't mind trying that if I were a woman for a day. - A woman group? - To be part of a woman group. Calle wanted to be part of a woman group, we never saw him again. Yes. Now I got... It was a really good question. One feels like exploring the genitals. I think one has to be able to say that. - And have sex with a man then? - No, I don't want that. But how it feels like to touch the genitals with your finger, and inside and around and the tits, that's what you're most curious about. - It's very natural. - In 2014 you have to be able to say that. Absolutely Bård. It's not what I've would've done, but that's fine. I think that I quickly would've found out what that was like and then go back. You would've chosen...You are already sure, without having tried to have a vagina, that you would've chosen to have a penis? Eeeh, yes... If you ask a woman the same thing, she would've answered that. - No, that she... - That she would prefer a penis? No, yes... That she would prefer to keep her... type of genitals. What's the statistics? We send this question back to everybody. In English: If you changed sex for a day, what would you do first? If you are a girl and suddenly became a boy... Women will probably say that they would stand while peeing. Oh, how lovely. That's the first thing women say. Guys could just stand while they pee. But it gets as messy as when women do it. - You sit down peeing, don't you? - Yes, as much as possible. But less and less as I'm getting lazier and lazier. But it is a bad thing to do. I've realized how surprisingly many guys choose to sit while peeing. Cause I've never thought about sitting. Unless I was going to the toilet to do number 2 in the first place. Well, I don't know. It depends if I think about it. But I... - You don't as much... - But Vegard always sits. And a lot of other guys I've been talking to are like "Yes, naturally!". - When you're out on... - ...the town. Then you don't... - Out in nature then? - Out in nature you stand. - Do you squat then? - No, that's pathetic. That's too pathetic. Enough about that.