Anonymouse: Congratulation Alaa. Alaa: The congrats goes to you guys. Let's walk a few steps guys so we can open a space. What's the steps that you'll work on in the next few days? Alaa: The same steps that I was working on all the time. Are you planning for anything in the near future? Alaa: Guys I only went to jail for 2 months! People chanting: Down Down with Military role. You were asking me about the change that happened in my life. This is the big change that happened in my life. The reporter: the first time to see your son? Alaa: No. He visited me with his mom when he was 3 days old. Alaa talking to his kid :) This is a really big change in my life and I really don't know much about yet. Reporter: Alaa say something to Khaled (his son). Alaa (kidding): Don't put the mic in the dude's face :) Reporter: Don't worry. I'll say to Khaled I missed you. I missed you. But for politics nothing changed. Yes. We have to get down with the military role. All the accused in Maspiro case are out of prison. And probably it's a fake case. But the real case didn't start yet. We still not accusing the right person who killed the people. We're not suppose to be happy that I'm not guilty. We all know that I'm not. Does the judge have the courage to accuse General Hamdy Badeen with charges or not? Only then we can say that something really happened and we're seeing deference. This revolution will be successful when Hamdy Badeen is in cage playing with his nose, and the gas cylinder prices will be as lower as 5 L.E. Excuse me guys I want to enjoy my time with my friends and family. Alaa: Look how he rub his nose :) Reporter: Madam Laila (his mom) how you feeling today while seeing Alaa free again? I'm very happy but I'm reminding myself and everybody that we should not forget the others. Alaa: Sambo, Micheal, and Amr Elbehiry all of them and thousands others still in jail. accused with fake military cases and they should be out. All of them. All of them. Chanting: Down down with military role.