OK, so I'm here with Alison from Pesky People at Septembers Social Media Cafe. We have just been having a chat and Alison has kindly offered to sponsor October's Social Media Cafe event. Can you tell us a bit about that Alison Please. It would be really nice to give something back to the Birmingham Social Media Cafe because believe it or not my first social media cafe was in August 2009 and as a result of meeting people like Podnosh, Stef Lewandowski Paul Bradshaw, and even Documentally was at that one. And they all said, start blogging, use Wordpress and believe it or not I went home that night and wrote my first blog ever and set it up on Wordpress as Pesky People. And the support and advice that I got from the Social Media Cafe and people that have done other things like the Social Media Surgeries really made a massive difference, and it's quite nice that I'm here and it's sponsored by Talk About Local because they gave me a lot of support in the early days. So anybody who is thinking about doing something around blogging and social media, it's a brilliant way of meeting people, it's a brilliant way of getting advice, and it's a brilliant way of getting support and it's also a nice way of meeting various people, so it would be really good to give it support for that reason. And also I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now with Pesky People and blogging and campaigning about digital access. But also getting funding and support to pull together a website for Go Genie which is going to put all the access information in one place. And believe it or not, since that first time I got support from Nick Booth/Podnosh and Stef Lewandowski who is working with us on Go Genie. So it's a really lot of things that have happened in a really short period of time in 3 years so it's nice way of saying, in a very small way, a massive thank you to the Social Media Cafe and the people who are involved in it, and you of course as well Karen: Thank you very much for sharing your story story about the Social Media Cafe. Thanks Alison. Alison has kindly offered to sponsor the next Birmingham Social Media cafe event in October. Can you tell us a little bit about that please Alison? I've thought about it for a while, but not really had the resources to offer....*loud organ music interrupts!* :)