When a man is ordained a priest, he is changed ontologically he is made a different brand of human being a little less than the angels >> When I first entered St. John’s I loved it in the confessional booth, there was a dividing wall but there was a little space so you could sign back and forth and he would bless you and he told me to take of my pants I kept it a secret >> He's assaulted probably 200 children. >> We thought the priest would be removed from the school. >> I thought I was going in there to uncover the crime but the people sending me in obviously had ulterior motives. >> What do you do about father Murphy >> He would walk in like a cat >> This was known, it had been dealt with in the past >> I just kept thinking enough, enough! >> I was mad and I wanted to protect these deaf kids >> Go to prison now >> We don't turn our priests in >> That's the world wide policy to snuff out scandal >> I had no idea how big a story it was >> There was no conspiracy but there was something far worse than a conspiracy >> These documents seem to turn the whole story on its head >> Deny, minimise and blame >> Now I don't know what they would have done if it was a slew of murders >> From 2001 forward, every single priest sex abuse case went to Ratzinger He has all the data