Every organism is put in place with every other organism to balance some part of the environment So what organism A comes to let's say a pristine enviroment and then organism A polutes the environment with waste product, let's say waste product B then all of a sudden the environment starts to get out of tilt and what will happen is that nature will bring in another organism that will use the waste product B and then balance that off and the point is that every other organism that comes into the environment is used to balance and as you go up the evolutionary scale the power of the balance is more focused Sort of like how on a seesaw that if you're on one end of the seesaw the other end of the seesaw is harder to maintain balance but if you get in the middle of the seesaw you can flip the balance very quickly and humans are part of a biosphere and we're really near that peak and what we're misunderstood is our relationship to the planet and as a result of misunderstanding that we are destroying the underground that keeps us here the fabric of the environment because we were created in the image of the environment and as we destroy the environment we destroy the thing that makes us So that this is a new biology and has nothing to do with Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest or the genes that's all wrong that information so it's very exciting time and that's why we need to have a new understanding so people begin to know who they are the movie the Matrix is a great story that says what they're creating is a world where they turn people into batteries, you know it's a power and what we have to really have to recognise is we are creators ourselves and we are all powerful except for our belief systems which undermine our power and we've all been programmed to believe we're less powerful than we are and as a result we manifest this and that's an unfortunate point that right now we're victims of our own belief systems and that's why there's this great upheaval right now because new beliefs are entering from every area of science right now and it's just being held back by the people that don't want to see the change.