Everything will be alright According to F.O.M, V.C.I.O.M and A.C. Levada 40-60 % are planning to vote for United Russia Fair? NO! They didn't just lie They forced the country to a such state, when these promises and any other promises look like mockery, lies that people dont believe anymore Before the elections began the ballot boxes already had 1/3 of bulletins BEFORE the elections! The head of the Administration came and asked to empty the ballot boxes let them continue voting. Just now the chairman of the territorial election comission left saying: it's normal, we should continue voting with those bulletins there Voting site #43, Vice-chairman of election commision threw in 42 bulletins with marks for United Russia ...he was holding in his hands a pack of bullteins with United Russia checked on them You just found in the toilet 10 bulletins Do you confirm that? You live in this region and had come to vote today? Thank You These kinds of bulletins are given out There are already filled out, check mark for United Russia Please note, chairman of the election comission is filling out the bulletins all recorded on cam right now i will write a complaint to the prosecutor, as a citizen of the Russian Federation all of you, just now, were witnesses of a crime, that was commited by the chariman of the election comission You hid them just now please leave I was a witness of a crime, not just a violation, but a crime! Just now there was a pack of bulletins stuffed They promised to give 1000 rubles to each person after that person would get to the site and stuff 8 bulletins with check marks for United Russia please, here are all the votes So here there's already a bunch of bulletins for what political party are they? United Russia We will not get them out of there! We will not get those bulletins out of there! No! We are gonna seal them up! Wait....here there are only bulletins for United Russia Gudkov Gennadiy, state Duma deputy, "Just Russia" Party These bulletins were already check marked Lets see... here's our party of thiefs and crooks Here, please note. Its a 100 % election fraud Prefecture is in collusion Who's responsible? Them? Please question them... Not a single case of forgery of the bulletins such statement was given by the chairman of All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Mr. Churov at the meeting of the main election comission There will be no forgery There are no incidents that can disturb the election process I speak to all, who are listening to us now and the citizens of our country ...first of all, as a result of all sorts of manipulatory actions... ...the party will try to save this dominative position. Democracy is in action The party acted in dignity... ...what lay and will lie on the shoulders of this party...is a result of A real democracy that is in action, no matter what people say about that I'm very happy about that, because it means that democracy is gaining strength Dear freinds, thank you very much thank you to all that supported Hi to all once again, we will have our champagne a bit later... when we finally count the votes ...the nest region, Voronezh Region, United Russia gained 62.32% Communist party 31.11%, "Just Russia" - 17.22% Liberal party 11.72%, Yabloko 4.55% Russian Patriots - 1.38%, Pravoe Delo - 0.66% *in total 128.96% - wierd, huh?*