[ This video has no audio, in honor of 'No Audio Day' ... ] [ ... and a good No Audio Day to you! ] Hello ASL Community! I usually post my vlogs on the 1st and 15th of each month, but one viewer notified me of something; when I looked into it, I was so disturbed that I just had to let you know about it. If someone were to tell you that ASL wasn't a true language, that it was all just a bunch of rudimentary miming and gesturing, how would you feel? Sad to say, that's precisely what's happening here in Italy. For years now, the Italian signing community, comprised of both Deaf and hearing signers, have been striving to convince their government to recognize their signed language: LIS. They've submitted a document regarding LIS to the government, which the government is ready to officially recognize however they want to replace the acronym 'LIS' with 'LMG', essentially meaning 'Language of Miming and Gesturing' … 'Miming and Gesturing'??? Hey, I've got an idea: Maybe we should start referring to spoken Italian as 'LMG' - Language of Moans and Grunts! [ terrible imitation of spoken Italian… but you get the point ] If you'd like more information, check out the links below. Click on them for more videos and articles on the topic. Anyway, I didn't make this video simply because I wanted to share this information with you and have that be it. No, this is a call to ACTION. These are our Italian brothers and sisters! Though they have a different signed language, they are a part of the global signing community, and as such, share our interests. … but how can we lend our support? Well, I'm glad you asked. You can do three things. Here's the first, and most significant way to lend your support: The Italian signing - LIS - community has set up an online petition; you can show your support by logging on to that petition and signing it. The petition's link is below, the first one listed. Since the petition is in Italian, you may feel a bit lost, unsure of how to fill it out. No worries, simply click here. You'll see a video explaining and demonstrating the process, it's really easy, so simple. One thing to keep in mind, though: Unless you confirm your email address, your signature is not valid. Some have signed the petition thinking all is well, when in fact, they've missed one step, thereby invalidating their signature! How so? Click on that there video. The second way to lend your support? If you have a Facebook account, log in, enter the name of this group, and join 'em. That way you can keep updated on any developments. The third thing you can do? Tell your friends! If you're Deaf, tell your Deaf friends. If you're an ASL teacher, tell your students. If you're an interpreter, tell your colleagues. Send an email, tell them in person, forward this vlog, make your own vlog! The important thing is that you get the word out. It doesn't matter if you're Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, hearing, a CODA, or a NERDA… point is, we're all a part of one big community: the global signing community. As for those who do not understand sign language; we need to help them understand. Sign the petition. Join the Facebook group. Tell your friends. Sign Power.