Hey guys! I've got some really good news. I just received the letter from the Singularity University saying that I got accepted with a scholarship to their Graduate Studies Program. - Then what I wanted talk you about is not if you are gonna change the world but how you are gonna do it. - You ask people: Are they working on something... that can really change the world? And how many people can answer yes? You know you look for people who are really trying to make things a lot better not just a little better but a lot better. I'm really excited for all of you who are studying this. If I was a student this is where I would want to be. - Why are we here? Clearly there are incredible universities around the world and it's not to duplicate the efforts. It's to provide something distinctly different. To have a conversation occur that doesn't happen in other places. - The tools of creativity, of innovation, of disruptive change are in everybody's hands and they are not expensive. - One student that we had this year was named Fast Company's most influential women of 2010. One student has published eight papers in neurocomputation and neuroprosthesis. One student is a founding member and program director of two NGOs. - The youngest one starting coding at the age of four. 16% to 17% of the students have started companies. - It's time to dedicate your lifes to solving one of the world biggest challenges and if you are not doing that is time to reorient yourself towards that goal. Take this admonition to affect one billion people and you add to it to affect one billion people positively and answer the grand challenges of our times. Singularity University is an awesome place that was founded in 2008 by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis and a bunch of other cool people. The idea is to take 80 among the smartest and the best scientists, enterpreneurs and thinkers from around the globe and bring them together at the NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley for ten weeks. We are gonna have a crash course of nanotechnology, biotechnology, molecular engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics... All the fields that kind of are connected with exponentially expanding technologies and utilize these technologies to bring about a better world. And whatever is you wanna do make sure it affects al least one billion people positively, within the next ten years. That's the challenge. So I'll be spending my whole summer there and I'll be meeting of kinds of cool and interesting people and start projects with them and really try to kind of do something about what I've talking about for years but I couldn't really do because I didn't have the resources. But now maybe I will! If you have any ideas or suggestions post a comment or a video response. Make sure you click the subscribe button that i think is around here maybe I'm holding it right now like here... To get updates on what I'll be doing, the book that I'm writing It's all in there just check the video... the web, down below there and all sorts of other cool stuff Thank you so much for watching this video, let me know what you think. Links in the video description. I'm really excited about this and I can't wait to hear your responses and your ideas Tell me about that and I'll see you guys soon. [Please if you don't speak english email at volunteer@name.here we'll translate your message for you]