[audience laughs] (Kramer) Anyway, it's been two years. I mean isn't there like a statue of limitations on that? (Jerry) Statute. (Kramer) What? (Jerry) Statute of limitations. It's not a statue. [audience laughs] (Kramer) No, it's statue. (Jerry) Fine, it's a sculpture of limitations. [audience laughs] (Kramer) Just wait a minute...Elaine, Elaine! Now you're smart, is it statue or statute of limitations? (Elaine) Statute. (Kramer) Oh, I really think you're wrong. [audience laughs] (Elaine) Look, Kramer, I have to take this test. Ok, I don't have a long of time. (Kramer) What test? (Elaine) An IQ test. (Kramer) Hm? Why you take an IQ test? (Elaine) It's for George. (Kramer) George? (Elaine) Yeah, can I... can I explain it to you later? (Kramer) Why are you taking an IQ test for George? (Elaine) Would you please?! (Kramer) What, is it for a job or something? (Elaine) Later! (Kramer) You're positive it's statute? (Elaine) Yes, yes! (Babu) Welcome, welcome. A steaming hot face cloth... (Kramer) Ow! Ow! [audience laughs and claps]