>> camera woman: 3, 2, 1 >> boy 1: Oh, hello. We represent a charity called the YHA and we're here to tell you about our brand new fundraising event. It's called 'Pirates of the Boggle'. >> girl: 'Pirates of the Boggle' is a fundraising event at Fylingthorpe that the whole family can be part of. There will be many activities from a tombola, a fun, pirate walk and treasure hunt to a fun...[muffled words]...game including amazing prizes. And don't forget the adult disco at the end. >> boy 1: So if you want to come on down and join the fun, don't be shy, but if you want to do a little bit more come and volunteer for the day >> girl: So come and visit Boggle Hole youth hostel in Fylingthorpe on the 31st August. Doors open 10am, for more information visit our website.