[Script Info] Title: [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.63,0:00:02.87,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] ... I feel some disappointment, Dialogue: 0,0:00:02.87,0:00:07.84,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,but uh it's very small, it's very small. Dialogue: 0,0:00:07.84,0:00:11.31,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I can appreciate that it's difficult, Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.31,0:00:16.12,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,cause y'know, I don't always stick up for me or other people of colour also. Dialogue: 0,0:00:16.12,0:00:19.74,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And in fact sometimes I'm the perpetrator. Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.43,0:00:28.73,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,It feels very strange to me to have white men bearing witness to this conversation. Dialogue: 0,0:00:28.73,0:00:31.13,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And that feels real vulnerable to me. Dialogue: 0,0:00:31.13,0:00:37.97,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,First of all, to share the sort of tender parts or the hurts of racism or internalized racism, Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.97,0:00:42.14,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and the way we play it out amongst ourselves as people of colour Dialogue: 0,0:00:42.14,0:00:51.34,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I feel like I want a higher level of trust between me and you, or me and you before I do that. Dialogue: 0,0:00:51.34,0:00:59.13,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And um, I'm really fearful that you'll listen, and nod your heads Dialogue: 0,0:00:59.13,0:01:03.33,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and say "uh huh, they're just as racist as we are" Dialogue: 0,0:01:03.33,0:01:09.87,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I want to hear your best reassurance that you'll not mis-use this information. Dialogue: 0,0:01:09.87,0:01:13.97,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,You think maybe I would take this information and use it to incite racism? Dialogue: 0,0:01:13.97,0:01:17.12,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Not so, that's an unfounded fear, Victor. Dialogue: 0,0:01:18.46,0:01:25.19,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] With all due respect, I want to affirm that my fear is not unfounded, Dialogue: 0,0:01:25.19,0:01:28.22,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,it's based on personal and collective history... Dialogue: 0,0:01:28.22,0:01:29.82,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] ... experience with others... Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.82,0:01:38.10,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] And while it may or may not bear out in my relationship or our relationships with you, Dialogue: 0,0:01:38.10,0:01:46.71,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,it is, it's foundation is sound as the raising and setting of the sun. Dialogue: 0,0:01:46.71,0:01:51.44,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And it feels really invalidating to hear you continually evaluating my experience Dialogue: 0,0:01:51.44,0:01:55.92,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,or the experience of other men of colour in terms of whether it's founded or not. Dialogue: 0,0:01:55.92,0:01:59.39,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,The foundation might not be visible to you, but that doesn't mean... Dialogue: 0,0:01:59.39,0:02:04.66,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] The only relationship that you and I have, is what we have in these encounters. Dialogue: 0,0:02:04.66,0:02:06.86,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,We didn't know each other before then, Dialogue: 0,0:02:06.86,0:02:14.40,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I do not like you grouping me with all those with whom you have had experience. Dialogue: 0,0:02:14.40,0:02:20.51,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,That's disturbing because perhaps I'm a little different being from up here. Dialogue: 0,0:02:20.51,0:02:24.43,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Removed from the cities where you live. Dialogue: 0,0:02:26.78,0:02:29.16,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I really, I, I, I feel for you people. Dialogue: 0,0:02:29.37,0:02:30.92,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] That answered my question. Dialogue: 0,0:02:30.92,0:02:34.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] I do, and I don't know how to really portray that, Dialogue: 0,0:02:34.96,0:02:38.62,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,except to say that I feel the hurt that you're experiencing. Dialogue: 0,0:02:38.62,0:02:43.63,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I understand the distrust you have of white men, Dialogue: 0,0:02:43.63,0:02:49.45,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and it's interesting to me to see that distrust also exists between people of all colours. Dialogue: 0,0:02:50.64,0:02:53.41,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] It's not the same, though. Dialogue: 0,0:02:53.41,0:03:01.72,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Because what we do to each other pushes us down and lifts you up. Dialogue: 0,0:03:01.72,0:03:11.30,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And what you do to us, or what white folks do to us, pushes us down and pushes you up. Dialogue: 0,0:03:12.20,0:03:14.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Not the same. Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.96,0:03:19.72,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And my fear is that if we talked about it, that you would say it's the same. Dialogue: 0,0:03:22.90,0:03:25.41,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Lee Mun Wah] I'd like to do something we haven't done today, Dialogue: 0,0:03:25.41,0:03:27.47,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Roberto, would you trade places with Gordon? Dialogue: 0,0:03:27.47,0:03:29.18,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Roberto] Yes. Dialogue: 0,0:03:35.45,0:03:45.25,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Gordon] What, um, a person of colour, a Latino does with a Black man, or any of that, Dialogue: 0,0:03:45.25,0:03:48.100,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,doesn't seem any bit the same to me, Dialogue: 0,0:03:48.100,0:03:50.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I don't even term it racism. Dialogue: 0,0:03:50.96,0:03:52.63,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] What is the difference? Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.63,0:03:55.97,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Gordon] A lot. They have little or no power. Dialogue: 0,0:03:55.97,0:03:59.71,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I'm not big on politics and understanding that whole thing, Dialogue: 0,0:03:59.71,0:04:03.38,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,but it's, it's, to me it's a system Dialogue: 0,0:04:03.38,0:04:10.04,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that we, we consciously and unconsciously use to keep people of colour down. Dialogue: 0,0:04:10.38,0:04:17.86,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] I understand the problem that people of colour have with the white race. Dialogue: 0,0:04:17.86,0:04:28.27,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And when we're talking here about a man of one colour offending or giving difficulties to Dialogue: 0,0:04:28.27,0:04:30.10,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,a man of another colour, Dialogue: 0,0:04:30.10,0:04:35.38,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I look at that as I am a colour, they are a colour, each one is a colour, Dialogue: 0,0:04:35.38,0:04:37.84,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,it's the same, man to man. Dialogue: 0,0:04:37.84,0:04:42.39,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Why is it differerent when it's one colour to another, than white to a colour? Dialogue: 0,0:04:43.31,0:04:44.85,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Gordon] Because they've got the power... Dialogue: 0,0:04:44.85,0:04:46.09,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] But we're on top... Dialogue: 0,0:04:46.09,0:04:47.35,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Gordon] I've got the privilege... Dialogue: 0,0:04:47.35,0:04:52.56,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] Yeah I hear you tell me all the time for many hours now that white is on top, Dialogue: 0,0:04:52.56,0:04:56.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I believe you, and I believe that you have that feeling. Dialogue: 0,0:04:56.96,0:05:00.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I have never had that concept that white is on top, that I am on top. Dialogue: 0,0:05:01.73,0:05:05.28,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Loren] Look at the CEOs of the companies that run this world... Dialogue: 0,0:05:05.44,0:05:07.14,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] I agree with that... Dialogue: 0,0:05:07.14,0:05:08.28,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Loren] They're all white men... Dialogue: 0,0:05:08.28,0:05:09.31,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] I know that... Dialogue: 0,0:05:09.31,0:05:12.81,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Loren] So, do you think they're gonna think about me or Hugh... Dialogue: 0,0:05:12.81,0:05:14.18,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] Or me? Dialogue: 0,0:05:14.18,0:05:18.22,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Loren] No, wait a minute, me or Hugh or David (L) when they make a decision? Dialogue: 0,0:05:18.66,0:05:23.29,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] No, they're cut throat, they think nothing of people really... Dialogue: 0,0:05:23.29,0:05:29.56,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Loren] But their decisions will most hurt people who look like us, not people who look like you. Dialogue: 0,0:05:29.56,0:05:33.83,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,When we fight each other, when we don't take up for each other, Dialogue: 0,0:05:33.83,0:05:37.30,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that hurts us a lot more than it hurts you, Dialogue: 0,0:05:37.30,0:05:41.98,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I never realized that until I sat here, and just sat back and listened Dialogue: 0,0:05:42.45,0:05:46.25,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,to what Victor was saying, and then your response to it. Dialogue: 0,0:05:46.25,0:05:52.15,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,But now it scares the shit out of me to even continue this conversation in this vein Dialogue: 0,0:05:52.15,0:05:58.36,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,because y'know, I'm gonna multiply you by let's be nice and say the 20 million to 50 million Dialogue: 0,0:05:58.36,0:06:05.66,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,who will see this film and think "why should we change? These rats can't get along with each other" Dialogue: 0,0:06:07.70,0:06:12.00,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I'm gettin' seriously depressed in here. Dialogue: 0,0:06:12.00,0:06:13.47,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Y'know, I was thinking we were making progress, Dialogue: 0,0:06:13.47,0:06:16.48,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I don't even, I just don't feel like we're making much progress anymore. Dialogue: 0,0:06:18.81,0:06:20.25,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] How does that feel? Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.43,0:06:22.45,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,It feels like shit. Dialogue: 0,0:06:22.45,0:06:24.87,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I'm ready to go outside and run my head through a wall. Dialogue: 0,0:06:24.87,0:06:29.47,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Victor] What do you need from us? From me, or from the other men here? Dialogue: 0,0:06:30.49,0:06:34.77,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Just to know that we're all still unified, that we're all still working toward the same thing. Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.22,0:07:00.24,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Roberto, you were gonna say somethin'. Dialogue: 0,0:07:01.99,0:07:07.90,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I was just gonna ask Dave if he seems to be unaware of the statistics and the news stories, Dialogue: 0,0:07:07.90,0:07:10.96,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that come through the general media Dialogue: 0,0:07:10.96,0:07:15.67,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,would tell you that a Black man and a white man laid off from a corporation, Dialogue: 0,0:07:15.67,0:07:18.94,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,the white man's gonna be re-hired before the Black man... Dialogue: 0,0:07:18.94,0:07:21.34,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] I'm aware of reports like that, yes. Dialogue: 0,0:07:21.34,0:07:23.94,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Roberto] You are. What happens when you hear them? Dialogue: 0,0:07:23.94,0:07:26.88,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Do you dismiss them, or do you think they're incorrect, or... Dialogue: 0,0:07:26.88,0:07:32.85,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] If I were in a position to hire, I'd hire the best man available. That's what I would do, Dialogue: 0,0:07:32.85,0:07:34.89,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and it wouldn't matter to me what colour he is. Dialogue: 0,0:07:34.89,0:07:41.20,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Among the whites, of my peers at any rate, my colleagues, my acquaintences, Dialogue: 0,0:07:41.20,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,we are becoming more and more alarmed at the tendency or the trends Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,to seek out and hire ethnic groups over the white, and that is disturbing to us in some ways. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Roberto] It should be. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] And it is. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I have 5 daughters and they apply to different schools, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,the minority races are many times given added points Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that give them a boost above the total points of the white race. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,So you know, it's not just that it's all against you, there is much against us also. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Hugh] I am disturbed that anybody is not getting into college, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,including white women, including white men. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I'm disturbed that white men are out of jobs. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,However, what I get back most is Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,pointing the finger at the people of colour and the women for taking the jobs Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and not at the corporate heads that are sending the factories to Mexico, to Indonesia, etc etc. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,to make more money. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Lee Mun Wah] I want to just kind of play Devil's Advocate here and that is: Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,what if I had said to you Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,"well, that's just a few folks, and that's not been my experience, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I think your kids should just try a little harder, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I think your girls should just y'know get those 3 or 4 more points, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I mean, I say everybody gets a chance in America to get education". Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,How would you feel if I said that to you, given some of the disturbance you are feeling? Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] That would be minimizing my feelings... Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Lee Mun Wah] Does it make you feel like it's real, any more? Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] You hear me, but you don't want to put much importance on it, yeah. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Lee Mun Wah] And what you might end up doing is trying to defend that it actually does exist, huh. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] It might do that, you bet. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Lee Mun Wah] You bet, yeah, just like the men in this room have been doing with you today. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David C] Sure. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Lee Mun Wah] One story after another trying to tell you it's real. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,You might even call in some of your friends to prove that it happened, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,maybe even show some documents. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,That's what I'm talking about. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I have allowed myself to feel in my soul in my heart what other men are experiencing, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and that has caused me to take down the walls and barriers that my mind has placed before me Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,regarding men of colour. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I have found that they are good men, and that I can love them. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,This will probably be difficult for me, but, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,so you understand, I was raised by a father who was very much opinionated and racist, I would say. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Well, my father would always tell jokes about the coloured people, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that would put them down, or would demostrate to me that they were a inferior group of people. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,The way he would refer to them, calling them "niggers", Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,um, implanted in me that they were an undesirable people. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And he demanded much of his children, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,to the point where if we didn't obey, we were physically abused Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,by his boot or by a big mean strap. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I learned to anticipate what he wanted so that I could do it without ever incurring his abuse. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And in doing so, I learned to protect myself from outside harm, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,or, or, any emotions that would cause me anguish or disturb me, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I carried all of this into a pattern of working to avoid dealing with reality, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I guess I would say. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And all my life that's where I've been. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I work hard, I work long hours, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I keep myself content in my work, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and I'm away fromt he pain and the strife of the real world. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I know when you tell me your experiences, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I ted to minimize them so that I don't have to deal with them. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,But it's not that I don't want to, and it's not that I don't feel your anguish and pain Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,as people of colour. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I'm, I'm deeply hurt that you would consider my race as the oppressor, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,because certainly I have never thought myself that way. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And that disturbs me to know that you consider me and my colour that way. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Please accept whatever I can do or say to you to relay to you the feeling Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that some of us white men really are not aware that we are such a problem to you. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And when we say to you "well just can't you be like us?", Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,we don't really understand the differences between you and us. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[Hugh] I'm really sorry that what has happened to you as a child being abused happened to you. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,That that should never, that you didn't deserve that. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,You didn't deserve any of that. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I appreciate you sharing with me how you survived that, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and how that survival is with you today. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And how hearing us, and hearing my story, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,how your survival, how that affects how you hear me, and what you hearand what you do with it. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,That's really, um, important for me to know how you've survived. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And as a white man, to know how you dealt with things, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,to know how you deal with things when they come your way, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,that's what Victor was asking, I think, in asking "what does it mean to be white?". Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,"What is it like to be white?" Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I appreciate you for exploring that, Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and for getting in touch with what it means to be white. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And I appreciate your survival. I'm glad you made it. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,[David L] I just want to say that I appreciate very much your candor and your openness Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,to hear us and to try to understand yourself a little more deeply. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I just also hope that you will keep in mind that there is no quick fix. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,You don't change and become a non-racist overnight. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,You I think have just barely tapped into what racism is all about. Dialogue: 0,9:59:59.99,9:59:59.99,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Just kinda touched the surface of it.