0:00:00.518,0:00:03.824 [Male narrator] There once was an author named Cory 0:00:03.824,0:00:05.693 (Cory Doctorow)[br]who wanted to bundle a story. 0:00:05.693,0:00:08.547 (Neil Gaiman) (John Scalzi) (Mercedes Lackey)[br]Joined by Neil, John, and Mercedes, 0:00:08.547,0:00:10.289 among other gents and ladies, 0:00:10.289,0:00:13.419 [br]We present the Humble eBook Bundle. 0:00:13.419,0:00:15.934 *Old Man's War* (John Scalzi)[br] 0:00:15.934,0:00:18.153 *Signal to Noise* (Neil Gaiman + Dave McKean )[br] 0:00:18.153,0:00:21.561 *Pump Six and Other Stories* (Paolo Bacigalupi)[br] 0:00:21.561,0:00:24.236 *Zoo City* (Lauren Beukes)[br] 0:00:24.236,0:00:26.495 *Stranger Things Happen* (Kelly Link)[br] 0:00:26.495,0:00:29.355 *Magic for Beginners* (Kelly Link)[br] 0:00:29.355,0:00:32.166 *Invasion: The Secret World Chronicles* (Mercedes Lackey, Steve Libby, Cody Martin, Dennis Lee) 0:00:32.166,0:00:34.255 *Pirate Cinema* (Cory Doctorow)[br] 0:00:34.255,0:00:36.881 [br]The Humble eBook Bundle. 0:00:36.881,0:00:38.165 [br]It's pay what you want, 0:00:38.165,0:00:39.358 [br]helps charity, 0:00:39.358,0:00:40.781 [br]no DRM. 0:00:40.781,0:00:44.162 [br]Books with an 'e.' 0:00:45.008,0:00:46.886 [Cory Doctorow] Hi! Greetings from Saint Louis airport. 0:00:46.886,0:00:49.399 It's Cory Doctorow on tour with my new novel *Pirate Cinema*, 0:00:49.399,0:00:51.621 which is part of the Humble eBook Bundle. 0:00:51.621,0:00:54.062 From the folks who brought you the Humble Indie Bundle, 0:00:54.062,0:00:59.194 a variety of science fiction, fantasy, graphic novels presented without digital rights management, 0:00:59.194,0:01:01.160 you name your price, a variety of formats, 0:01:01.160,0:01:02.875 money goes directly to creators, 0:01:02.875,0:01:08.109 go over the odds and you get books from Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi. 0:01:08.109,0:01:11.838 We've also got work from Kelly Link and Paolo Bacigalupi 0:01:11.838,0:01:15.035 and Mercedes Lackey and Lauren Beukes. 0:01:15.035,0:01:19.232 Some old names, some new names, fantasy, science fiction, 0:01:19.232,0:01:21.132 a really wide variety of stuff. 0:01:21.132,0:01:23.610 I hope you'll consider contributing 0:01:23.610,0:01:28.678 [br]and I really hope you'll consider jumping on Twitter and the Facebook and Whatnot 0:01:28.678,0:01:30.147 and telling your friends about it. 0:01:30.147,0:01:32.653 It's been a long, weird time for eBooks 0:01:32.653,0:01:35.545 and there's been a lot of people in the big publishing industry 0:01:35.545,0:01:38.091 who are convinced that without DRM, without high prices, 0:01:38.091,0:01:42.190 they won't make any money, and we can prove them different. 0:01:42.190,0:01:45.979 We can prove them wrong; we can make a huge difference. Thanks. 0:01:45.979,0:01:47.202 (The Humble eBook Bundle)[br](humblebundle.com) 0:01:47.202,0:01:50.142 [Narrator] And a customizable part of every contribution[br] 0:01:50.142,0:01:55.380 will be going to support the EFF, Child's Play and the SFWA. 0:01:55.380,0:01:56.956 So what are you waiting for?[br] 0:01:56.956,0:02:01.295 [br]Head on over to humblebundle.com 0:02:01.295,0:02:03.674 [br](Save a tree, read an eBook.) 0:02:03.674,0:02:06.319 [br](The coolest thing to happen to literature since Comic Sans.) 0:02:06.319,0:02:08.850 [br](Book 'em Danno!) 0:02:08.850,0:02:14.513 [br](Oppan Gaiman style!) 0:02:14.513,0:02:17.818 (The Humble eBook Bundle)[br](humblebundle.com)