Wanna be watching Healthflicks! You wanna be watching Healthflicks! You wanna be watching Healthflicks! Yeeaaah! Sickle Cell disease affects millions of people throughout the world and is particularly common among those whose ancestors come from Africa, Spanish-speaking countries in the western hemisphere such as South America, the Carribean and Central America, Saudi Arabia, India and the Mediterranean countries like Turkey, Greece and Italy. This disorder affects red-blood cells. Instead of the cells being round and flexible so that they could fit through the narrow blood vessels, they are crescent shaped. This happens as a mutation to chromosome 11. Because of the shape, they can easily get lodged in blood vessels, which makes them incapable of transporting oxygen to organs resulting in pain. This can damage organs. Unlike normal blood cells that live up to 120 days, these cells live up to 10-20 days. Sickle Cell is a genetic disorder, which means mom and dad passes down to their offspring. You can go on to MedlinePlus, type in Sickle Cell Anemia... ...click on read more and view full article. You can scroll down and find other information on latest news, diagnosis and treatments, and prevention and screening. At CDC.gov, you can type in Sickle Cell Anemia go to any site, and you can explore lots of other information, including data, statistics, research and articles. Cuz this is healthflicks!!! Healthflicks, yeah! And no one is gonna stop you from watching these topics! So watch them... watch them, yeah!