0:00:01.534,0:00:02.902 Today, I discovered Bref. 0:00:02.902,0:00:06.306 That passes on the television.[br]and in Facebook,7 friends like. 0:00:06.306,0:00:08.241 Besides, that made me smile. 0:00:08.241,0:00:12.412 Of the blow,I write Bref on facebook for visit the page. 0:00:12.412,0:00:15.448 In a week of broadcast, he has already 342 571 fans. 0:00:15.448,0:00:20.587 It is less than the 22 million Doctors House, but in about days, he will overtake a very bad singer. (But who is famous in France) 0:00:20.587,0:00:22.722 As me too I like voice-over, I said myself, why not to make one thingwhich looks like Bref? 0:00:22.722,0:00:26.760 I thought.[br]But in resentment to make a emission on marmots in cuddly toys, I had nothing idea. 0:00:26.760,0:00:32.265 As I found no idea, it has me to irritate, and I opened my window to get a breath of fresh air. 0:00:32.265,0:00:36.136 In defect, to get a breath of fresh air, I had taken a shower. 0:00:36.136,0:00:44.144 I sit in front of a white sheet, and I gave myself 1h of intense reflection. 0:00:44.144,0:00:47.981 But as my capacity of concentration is 5mn,[br]I don't found idea. 0:00:47.981,0:00:53.586 In the end,I thought that if I, I had no idea, the others had it . 0:00:53.586,0:00:59.459 2 hours later, I had my answer. 0:00:59.459,0:00:59.893 Answer :"Fork"... 0:00:59.893,0:01:02.295 I have not my answer. 0:01:02.295,0:01:10.570 I took a megaphone to ask, at all the people to help me. 0:01:10.570,0:01:14.674 The only answer that I had, it is the one of my neighbor, who has me friendly councillor to [br]shut up. 0:01:14.674,0:01:15.742 "Shut up asshole!" 0:01:15.742,9:59:59.000 In the end, I always have no idea.