1 00:00:02,436 --> 00:00:04,888 [Intro music] 2 00:00:04,888 --> 00:00:18,788 (Walt Disney Mickey Mouse - Color by Technicolor - ©copyright 1935 Walt Disney Productions - All rights reserved) 3 00:00:18,803 --> 00:00:25,247 (The Band Concert) 4 00:00:25,247 --> 00:00:41,793 [Audience] Bravo! [people cheer and clap] 5 00:00:41,808 --> 00:00:49,795 (Director's lectern: Mickey turns from "Selections from Zampa" to "Overture William Tell") 6 00:00:49,795 --> 00:00:54,592 [Mickey taps his lectern] 7 00:00:54,592 --> 00:01:00,366 [Orchestra starts playing an adaptation of Rossini's Wilhelm Telm Overture] 8 00:01:37,798 --> 00:01:47,533 [Donald Duck] Ice cones! (indisinct words) 9 00:01:47,533 --> 00:02:09,917 [Donald joins the band and plays "Turkey in the Straw" over the WTO with a flute - bad changest to "Turkey in the Straw" too] 10 00:02:20,074 --> 00:02:22,245 [Mickey taps his lectern] 11 00:02:22,276 --> 00:02:25,612 [Orchestra stops playing - Donald plays "Turkey in the Straw" - Orchestra joins, etc] 12 00:02:25,651 --> 00:02:32,237 [Rest of the video: no words - band plays WTO and Donald interrupts with Turkey in the Straw] 13 00:08:48,664 --> 99:59:59,999 (The End - A Walt Disney Production}