Do you ever wish that you could be someone else? I do. All the freaking time. I want this girl's hair. Or this girl's boobs. Or these boobs. Boobs, in general, would be great, actually. And my brother's height! Look how tall this dude is! It's an injustice! And the volume of his hair?! What the fuck? Actually, I'd probably stick with this girl's hair. DEFINITELY this girl's hair. Although she does tell me that people always try to touch it. And I guess if you had big boobs, people would stare at those all the time too. Now that I think about it, big boobs come with their own kind of problems like when you're running, or if you're tall and hug a short person like me. I am ALWAYS getting a face full of boob. I guess if I were a guy, that'd be pretty awesome though. But you know, not matter how many different people I wish I could be, or how many different features, and physical aspects I wish I had, or how much I ENVY this girl's hair, Sometimes... It's great to be me. Subtitles by Skylar Coland via Amara