0:00:03.280,0:00:08.039 Power concedes nothing without a demand. 0:00:08.039,0:00:12.140 Power concedes nothing without a demand.[br]It never did and it never will. 0:00:12.140,0:00:17.560 - Frederick Douglass 0:00:30.080,0:00:32.080 1968 0:00:40.160,0:00:43.980 This is Apollo 8 coming to you live from the moon 0:00:45.880,0:00:51.220 The vast loneliness up here of the moon is[br]awe-inspiring 0:00:51.220,0:00:54.700 And it makes you realize just what you have[br]back there on Earth 0:00:55.620,0:01:00.560 The Earth from here is a grand oasis in the[br]big vastness of space 0:01:04.060,0:01:09.500 - Oh my god look at that picture over there[br]- Wow, is that pretty 0:01:10.680,0:01:12.960 You got a color film Jim? 0:01:13.500,0:01:15.740 Hand me a roll of color film quick. Quick. 0:01:18.420,0:01:20.540 Wow, that's a beautiful shot 0:01:26.560,0:01:33.559 From the crew of Apollo 8 we close with "Good[br]night, good luck, and God bless all of you... 0:01:34.580,0:01:37.380 ... all of you on the good Earth" 0:01:40.740,0:01:48.220 We no longer live on that Earth 0:01:58.400,0:02:01.940 The world hasn't ended 0:02:01.980,0:02:07.000 But the world as we know it has 0:02:08.539,0:02:10.539 Can you hear me? 0:02:11.640,0:02:13.640 I have an emergency 0:02:13.980,0:02:15.980 The water is rising very quickly 0:02:16.760,0:02:19.780 We're looking at about five feet of water... 0:02:19.960,0:02:22.020 ... and there's about 17 people on the second floor right now 0:02:22.020,0:02:23.788 We're going to need to evacuate - we need to get out of here 0:02:24.440,0:02:25.980 We're trying to get you guys out 0:02:28.480,0:02:31.020 Are you alright? You OK?! 0:02:32.080,0:02:34.780 There is new and dramatic evidence of what's happening to our world 0:02:34.940,0:02:37.080 and tonight we'll look at the impact already being felt 0:02:37.660,0:02:40.810 The red flags about extreme weather we've[br]all endured 0:02:40.810,0:02:44.790 together all across the globe 0:02:44.790,0:02:47.480 We are literally engaged in an unprecedented[br]experiment 0:02:47.980,0:02:51.500 with the one planet that we know of that can support life. 0:02:55.720,0:02:59.980 We will respond to the threat of climate change,[br]knowing that the failure to do so 0:03:00.069,0:03:03.390 would betray our children and future[br]generations 0:03:03.460,0:03:08.520 The big question mark is the future, of[br]course, and a new kind of normal 0:03:19.480,0:03:22.940 Things are gearing up for the UN-hosted[br]climate change summit in New York 0:03:23.340,0:03:26.330 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will[br]host the summit. 0:03:26.330,0:03:30.409 I will convene a climate summit for leaders[br]at the highest level. 0:03:30.409,0:03:37.589 I urge political leaders of the world to prioritize[br]their political energy on climate change. 0:03:37.879,0:03:44.219 We have to get serious about bringing real[br]commitments to the table for that summit. 0:03:46.420,0:03:53.420 If things go "business as usual" we will not[br]live, we will die. 0:03:56.080,0:04:05.380 DISRUPTION 0:04:17.420,0:04:20.180 100 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:04:20.860,0:04:22.560 [Matt Leonard - Organizer - People's Climate March] 0:04:22.590,0:04:26.780 On September 23rd the United Nations is[br]holding a historic climate summit where 0:04:26.780,0:04:29.469 they've invited world leaders and heads of[br]state from around the world 0:04:30.090,0:04:32.800 We're trying to organize the[br]largest-ever climate rally 0:04:32.810,0:04:35.680 on the streets New York in response to this,[br]hopefully turning the tide 0:04:35.680,0:04:39.530 of what comes out of that summit, and reshaping[br]what the entire climate movement looks like 0:04:39.530,0:04:42.030 going forward. 0:04:42.030,0:04:43.849 Climate tipping points are scary 0:04:43.849,0:04:47.680 but if we stay connected to each other[br]we can build 0:04:47.680,0:04:53.030 the largest climate mobilization in[br]history. We all have power to create 0:04:53.030,0:04:56.279 the movement tipping point on climate[br]change. 0:04:56.279,0:04:59.380 the one that takes our leaders from this place[br]of inaction 0:04:59.380,0:05:03.480 and puts them on a journey towards[br]saving the planet. 0:05:05.360,0:05:08.450 All the big social movements 0:05:08.450,0:05:11.750 in history have had people in the streets. 0:05:11.750,0:05:14.669 Women's voting rights, the civil rights movement[br]-- and even more recently 0:05:14.669,0:05:16.049 [Keya Chatterjee Dir. of Renewable Energy, WWF] 0:05:16.100,0:05:20.660 on climate issues, our big successes have[br]happened when people left their homes 0:05:20.669,0:05:23.069 and went out into the streets. 0:05:23.349,0:05:26.430 This is a bigger fight than in fact has ever[br]been won. 0:05:26.430,0:05:28.930 [Naomi Klein - Author - "This Changes Everything"][br]It's not that we need to save the Earth. 0:05:28.940,0:05:33.380 We need to save the systems that make the[br]Earth compatible 0:05:33.600,0:05:36.820 with human existence and the existence of other[br]life forms. 0:05:36.820,0:05:41.060 This is the fight of our time, but none of[br]us should exactly have to be activists 0:05:41.060,0:05:45.219 about all this. In a rational world, the fact[br]that scientists have said 0:05:45.219,0:05:49.539 the worst thing on Earth is happening[br]now and here's what you can do to stop it 0:05:49.539,0:05:51.219 [Bill McKibben - Co-Founder, 350.org][br]that would have been enough to push our 0:05:51.219,0:05:54.479 systems into action. 0:05:56.190,0:05:59.450 Of all the things that probably[br]get me most upset, it's when people start 0:05:59.460,0:06:01.380 presenting climate change as if it's[br]something new. 0:06:01.400,0:06:03.200 [Dr. Naomi Oreskes - Professor, History of[br]Science, Harvard.] 0:06:03.200,0:06:05.020 The science behind our understanding of[br]man-made climate change 0:06:05.029,0:06:08.690 is very old and very well[br]established. So the task we've taken on 0:06:08.690,0:06:12.620 is documenting this history to help us[br]understand where we are 0:06:12.620,0:06:16.280 how we got here, and how we can change[br]course. 0:06:16.580,0:06:20.320 Scientists have known for more than 150[br]years that carbon dioxide was a greenhouse gas 0:06:21.580,0:06:25.580 Fourier came up with this notion[br]that there were gasses in our atmosphere 0:06:25.580,0:06:30.880 that allowed sunlight to pass through, like[br]a window, but then when sunlight bounced off 0:06:30.880,0:06:33.000 the Earth's surface they trap the heat in. 0:06:33.060,0:06:35.120 [Dr. Heidi Cullen - Chief Scientist, Climate Central] 0:06:35.320,0:06:38.520 So you had now this establishment of what we now call "the greenhouse effect." 0:06:38.529,0:06:45.529 In the 1850's, John Tyndall made laboratory[br]measurements of the absorption of heat radiation 0:06:45.660,0:06:47.980 by carbon dioxide 0:06:47.980,0:06:49.980 [Dr. James Hansen - Former Director, NASA (GISS)] 0:06:49.980,0:06:52.180 And he concluded that if you change the CO₂ in the atmosphere 0:06:52.419,0:06:55.750 it's going to affect the planetary energy balance 0:06:55.750,0:07:00.770 Tyndall was the one who really came along[br]and proved that carbon dioxide 0:07:00.770,0:07:03.760 was a natural thermostat that helped[br]set our planet's temperature 0:07:03.760,0:07:08.909 In the late 1800's, it was the great Swedish chemist Arrhenius who first did the calculations 0:07:08.909,0:07:13.409 about what would happen as we, as he put it, "evaporated our coal mines into the air" 0:07:14.800,0:07:18.800 But people didn't pay much attention [br]to that in the 20th century 0:07:19.000,0:07:21.950 because we were too busy figuring out [br]cool new ways to burn fossil fuel 0:07:21.950,0:07:25.800 It was only in the late 1950's that we[br]even bothered to measure 0:07:26.000,0:07:28.000 to see if it was accumulating in the atmosphere 0:07:28.659,0:07:32.310 That instrument, which one up on the side of[br]Mauna Loa in Hawaii 0:07:32.310,0:07:34.300 is the most important scientific instrument in the world 0:07:34.300,0:07:40.300 Beginning in 1959, it found that there was a steadily accumulating amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere 0:07:40.520,0:07:43.279 the so-called "Keeling Curve" 0:07:43.279,0:07:47.550 The Keeling Curve is one of the most important[br]pieces of scientific work of the 20th century 0:07:47.550,0:07:52.709 that shows us that carbon dioxide [br]has been rising continuously 0:07:52.709,0:07:55.620 and systematically since the[br]industrial revolution 0:07:55.620,0:08:01.800 Keeling didn't just show that there was an increase in carbon dioxide, he also pinpointed the source 0:08:02.120,0:08:07.660 And what Keeling showed so incredibly[br]was that roughly one out of 0:08:07.680,0:08:13.600 every four CO₂ molecules in our atmosphere[br]today was put there by us 0:08:18.640,0:08:24.450 Just a year ago, we passed 400 parts per million [br]of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 0:08:24.450,0:08:29.779 Now the pre-industrial level was about [br]280 parts per million 0:08:29.779,0:08:35.919 So human society in the industrial era has raised the[br]level of CO₂ in the atmosphere by about 40%, 0:08:35.919,0:08:37.900 [Justin Gillis - Journalist, The New York Times] 0:08:38.100,0:08:42.100 and many people fear that before we're[br]done we're gonna double it or even triple it 0:08:42.640,0:08:45.860 We're pumping CO₂ into the atmosphere 0:08:46.320,0:08:50.170 at a speed which we have never seen [br]before in modern human history 0:08:50.500,0:08:53.640 We're absolutely racing into unchartered territory 0:08:54.010,0:08:59.030 In our lifetimes, human beings left behind[br]the Holocene, this 10,000-year period 0:08:59.300,0:09:05.100 of benign climatic stability that coincides [br]with the rise of human civilization 0:09:06.020,0:09:12.480 We have crossed a great threshold,[br]and we stand on the edge of others 0:09:14.280,0:09:16.280 [Van Jones - Host, CNN Crossfire] 0:09:16.420,0:09:19.840 I remember when The Weather Channel was this[br]kind of nice, sleepy little station 0:09:20.120,0:09:23.709 Now it's like a horror show where [br]the climate is being disrupted 0:09:23.709,0:09:29.120 That's not for next year or a thousand years[br]from now. That's happening right now. 0:09:29.120,0:09:31.189 What all climate scientists will agree on is that 0:09:31.189,0:09:35.149 the entire atmosphere has changed -- all[br]the atmospheric dynamics have changed 0:09:35.149,0:09:38.620 So every event that happens now [br]is in the context of climate change 0:09:38.620,0:09:40.600 is different from how it would have been 0:09:56.100,0:09:59.760 A typhoon slammed into the Philippines [br]with winds of 195 miles per hour 0:09:59.900,0:10:03.740 That's higher than the winds from Hurricanes[br]Sandy and Katrina combined 0:10:04.250,0:10:10.829 The world is mobilizing to help the Philippines,[br]but just a trickle of food and water and medicine 0:10:10.829,0:10:13.540 has reached the victims of Typhoon Haiyan 0:10:13.540,0:10:18.320 A million people were forced to flee their homes.[br]They're now trying to salvage what's left 0:10:18.500,0:10:22.720 Hundreds of thousands are thronging[br]relief centers, desperate for life's necessities 0:10:22.720,0:10:27.550 Many residents have covered their faces to[br]mask the smell of the dead, while they searched 0:10:27.550,0:10:30.990 for relatives in some of the hardest hit areas 0:10:31.060,0:10:34.520 This is one of the top storms ever seen on this planet 0:10:39.660,0:10:41.600 Mister President, your excellency 0:10:42.000,0:10:47.820 What my country is going through as a result [br]of this extreme climate event is madness 0:10:48.000,0:10:50.000 [Yeb Saño - Climate Negotiator, Philippines] 0:10:51.940,0:10:57.620 Super Typhoon Haiyan made landfall [br]in my own family's hometown 0:11:02.020,0:11:07.140 And the devastation . . . is staggering 0:11:09.860,0:11:16.860 I struggle to find words to describe [br]how I feel about the losses 0:11:17.720,0:11:22.400 To anyone outside who continues to deny and [br]ignore the reality that this climate change 0:11:22.819,0:11:29.019 I dare them -- I dare them to get off their ivory towers and away from the comfort of their arm chairs 0:11:29.780,0:11:33.279 I dare them to go to the islands of the Pacific 0:11:33.279,0:11:38.459 We refuse as a nation to accept a future where[br]super typhoons like Haiyan become a way of life 0:11:38.459,0:11:43.480 We refuse to accept that running away[br]from storms, evacuating our families, 0:11:43.480,0:11:49.200 counting our dead become a way of life. [br]We simply refuse to. 0:11:52.026,0:11:55.606 We can fix this. We can stop this madness. 0:12:08.920,0:12:11.560 80 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:12:12.000,0:12:14.000 People's Climate March Coordinating Committee[br]Organizing Meeting 0:12:14.520,0:12:17.980 Hello, hello. Alright folks we know why we're here 0:12:17.980,0:12:19.900 [Eddie Bautista - Executive Director, NYC-EJA] 0:12:20.100,0:12:23.520 We have 80 days starting tomorrow to pull off [br]the largest climate march in history 0:12:23.780,0:12:27.759 It's really important for folks to remember[br]that although climate change affects everyone 0:12:27.999,0:12:30.519 the impacts are not evenly distributed 0:12:30.519,0:12:35.159 We're asking each one of these breakout groups, [br]prioritize people of color, folks 0:12:35.519,0:12:39.419 because this is real, it's disproportionate,[br]and it's time to bring it 0:12:40.680,0:12:44.600 They need to act on a binding global agreement[br]to reduce greenhouse gases 0:12:44.600,0:12:46.600 [Tomas Gardaño - Organizer, People's Climate March] 0:12:46.850,0:12:48.920 We can do that and create jobs at the same time 0:12:49.540,0:12:53.060 Part of what we're doing is moving people[br]from fossil fuels to the solutions 0:12:53.560,0:12:55.500 [Lee Ziesche - Grassroots Coordinator] 0:12:55.500,0:12:58.680 and also presenting them with economic [br]opportunities around the solutions 0:12:58.680,0:13:01.160 [Armando Chapelliquen - Project Coordinator, NYPIRG][br]The idea of who's going to be leading this march... 0:13:01.540,0:13:02.769 ...are the people in this room 0:13:03.339,0:13:07.959 [Rev. Clinton Miller - Brown Memorial, Baptist Church] [br]This environmental issue is the singular issue 0:13:08.240,0:13:13.380 of our time, of our day, that will determine how we live, where we live, and if we live. 0:13:13.829,0:13:20.829 The most important tool that we have is our[br]people power. There are already 325 groups, 0:13:21.949,0:13:25.999 and that list is going to grow every single[br]day. Whatever you're thinking about doing 0:13:25.999,0:13:32.999 to help build this mobilization, rethink it.[br]And make it bigger. Make it bolder. 0:13:33.540,0:13:39.560 Our job is to make sure everybody hears about it.[br]And then they'll get there. They'll get there. 0:13:39.820,0:13:41.760 That's our job 0:13:49.960,0:13:52.600 [Nuclear Disarmament Movement - New York City] 0:13:53.560,0:14:00.860 In 1982, the UN convened a first special section[br]on nuclear disarmament 0:14:01.279,0:14:05.499 and we came together and said when[br]the representatives 0:14:05.499,0:14:09.670 of governments all around the world[br]gather in New York City at the UN 0:14:09.670,0:14:12.779 we need to be on the streets making our voice heard 0:14:12.779,0:14:16.639 New York City's anti-nuclear demonstration[br]turned out to be the biggest 0:14:16.639,0:14:19.009 political demonstration in US history 0:14:19.009,0:14:25.189 It was, and still to this day, is the largest single gathering, if you will, of people in this country 0:14:27.160,0:14:32.779 I think there was one computer in the[br]office. Everything else was by phone 0:14:32.779,0:14:36.430 And this thing we called "the mail" --[br]we now call it "snail mail" 0:14:36.430,0:14:39.699 But there was something about that[br]reality that we didn't have the 0:14:39.699,0:14:43.110 technology that we now have[br]that actually forced people 0:14:43.110,0:14:44.969 to talk directly to each other. 0:14:44.969,0:14:50.138 Until we have real peace, with real justice 0:14:50.138,0:14:54.809 we will not go home and be quiet, we will[br]go home and organize! 0:14:54.809,0:14:59.970 One of the really interesting things about that [br]demonstration is that some 600 local groups 0:15:01.059,0:15:05.220 were formed, and many of those groups[br]lasted for years afterwards 0:15:05.639,0:15:11.189 To me, the real power of that[br]day was the organizing experience that led 0:15:11.189,0:15:15.209 up to it and then the organizing [br]that came out of it 0:15:19.619,0:15:23.779 Some experts are now saying that [br]the whole world is heating up 0:15:24.060,0:15:26.120 because of a "global greenhouse effect" 0:15:26.300,0:15:28.300 [Dr. Naomi Oreskes - Professor, [br]History of Science, Harvard] 0:15:28.400,0:15:32.400 Scientists had been saying for a long[br]time that climate change might occur 0:15:32.600,0:15:36.279 but 1988 is the year when Jim Hansen [br]and his team at NASA 0:15:36.579,0:15:39.299 say both in the scientific peer-reviewed literature, [br]and in public, that it's actually happening 0:15:39.580,0:15:42.320 [Dr. James Hansen - Former Director, NASA (GISS)][br]The changes in atmospheric composition 0:15:42.500,0:15:46.660 that humans were making was going to have [br]a big impact on the Earth's climate 0:15:46.660,0:15:51.420 The greenhouse effect has been detected,[br]and it is changing our climate now 0:15:51.420,0:15:54.499 Hansen's testimony was reported on the[br]front page of The New York Times 0:15:54.499,0:15:58.639 and there was actually a bill introduced[br]into Congress -- the National Energy Policy Act 0:15:58.850,0:16:03.610 to immediately begin to phase out the use of fossil fuels in order to prevent disruptive climate change 0:16:03.980,0:16:06.360 And of course that was supported [br]by the creation of the IPCC -- 0:16:06.369,0:16:09.969 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate[br]Change -- that year 0:16:10.220,0:16:12.280 So there was political momentum, [br]there was some scientific momentum 0:16:12.490,0:16:16.400 there was strong scientific evidence,[br]there was media attention 0:16:16.509,0:16:18.500 and then the whole thing kinda fell apart 0:16:20.309,0:16:24.499 The Earth Summit, a 12-day, 178-nation[br]conference on the environment 0:16:24.499,0:16:26.369 began today in Rio de Janeiro 0:16:26.369,0:16:30.209 Battle lines are already drawn between[br]the haves and the have-nots 0:16:30.209,0:16:35.749 So far, all the agreements are non-binding -- requiring no specific action on the environment 0:16:36.120,0:16:40.511 As time has gone on, the scientific [br]warnings keep intensifying 0:16:40.920,0:16:44.460 and yet there has been no effective political response 0:16:44.600,0:16:46.500 All political efforts to get a handle on this issue 0:16:46.519,0:16:49.159 have essentially failed 0:16:49.159,0:16:50.999 I am the one that is burdened with [br]finding the balance between 0:16:51.110,0:16:54.189 sound environmental practice on the one hand 0:16:54.189,0:16:56.500 and jobs for American families on the other 0:16:59.490,0:17:03.090 The agreement hammered out in Kyoto,[br]Japan requires industrialized nations 0:17:03.480,0:17:06.380 to make substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions 0:17:07.500,0:17:09.400 [Justin Gillis - Journalist, The New York Times] 0:17:09.420,0:17:12.880 The United States actually never ratified the Kyoto Protocol which is one reason it didn't work 0:17:13.010,0:17:16.290 President Bush ignited a storm of controversy 0:17:16.290,0:17:17.609 when he decided to abandon the Kyoto Protocol 0:17:17.609,0:17:21.619 which sets caps on the emissions of[br]greenhouse gases in developed nations 0:17:21.619,0:17:25.910 For nearly two weeks, the US delegation[br]had blocked proposal after proposal 0:17:25.910,0:17:27.099 draft after draft 0:17:27.099,0:17:31.950 refusing to even discuss mandatory cuts[br]in greenhouse emissions 0:17:31.950,0:17:35.960 Now we switch to the big climate[br]conference going on in Copenhagen 0:17:35.960,0:17:40.270 Today developing countries made themselves heard 0:17:40.270,0:17:44.290 Led by Africa, 135 nations, including India and China 0:17:44.290,0:17:46.000 staged a five-hour boycott 0:17:46.000,0:17:52.470 angry over what they say are insufficient carbon cuts proposed by the world's rich countries 0:17:52.470,0:17:55.610 If Hollywood had been writing a story,[br]it all would have come right in the end 0:17:55.610,0:17:59.540 and all the nations would have [br]pledged their best effort 0:17:59.540,0:18:02.320 And nothing like that happened -- [br]the thing was a fiasco, a failure 0:18:02.860,0:18:08.360 The frustrations of the last 10 days[br]explode on the streets of Copenhagen 0:18:08.360,0:18:11.900 Outside the Bella Center where negotiators still haven't reached a climate agreement 0:18:12.260,0:18:16.630 2500 protesters tried to storm [br]the hall to make an impact 0:18:16.630,0:18:19.990 [Bill McKibben - Co-founder, 350.org][br]Nothing happened because 0:18:19.990,0:18:23.620 the fossil fuel industry was still strong enough to scare nations into avoiding the issue 0:18:23.840,0:18:27.800 [Naomi Klein - Author, "The Shock Doctrine"][br]What happened in Copenhagen, for a lot of people 0:18:27.800,0:18:29.800 was this realization "no leader was going to save us" 0:18:31.470,0:18:35.140 We have to be strong enough to[br]scare our national leaders 0:18:35.140,0:18:38.160 into doing the right thing in New York City in September 0:18:38.160,0:18:40.000 If we can demonstrate that 0:18:40.000,0:18:44.460 then better things will happen in Paris [br]than happened in Copenhagen 0:18:45.500,0:18:48.840 These things are not separate[br]moments in time 0:18:48.850,0:18:53.600 This is a all part of one string, and[br]what we're fighting towards in Paris 0:18:53.600,0:18:57.600 is highly dependent on what happens in September 0:18:57.600,0:19:00.600 This is going to have to be the fight our lives 0:19:01.600,0:19:05.600 [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [br](IPCC) - Berlin, Germany] 0:19:05.680,0:19:12.360 Welcome to this press conference to present[br]the report of IPCC Working Group 3 0:19:12.620,0:19:14.700 on mitigation of climate change 0:19:14.700,0:19:16.700 [Dr. Rajendra Pachauri - Chairman, IPCC][br]If we really want to bring about a limitation 0:19:17.890,0:19:22.730 of temperature increase to no more [br]than 2 degrees Celsius 0:19:22.820,0:19:28.080 there is then the need for an[br]unprecedented level of international cooperation 0:19:28.080,0:19:29.870 The way we've approached climate change 0:19:29.870,0:19:33.550 is the scientific community builds the case, it[br]synthesizes the evidence, 0:19:33.550,0:19:35.500 it presents that evidence then to the policymakers 0:19:35.500,0:19:38.710 We've proven beyond a doubt that [br]climate change is real 0:19:38.710,0:19:40.700 that the Earth's temperature is warming 0:19:40.840,0:19:46.280 [Dr. Heidi Cullen - Author, "Weather of the Future"][br]that that warming is predominantly caused by 0:19:46.280,0:19:50.240 the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, and that that additional warming poses 0:19:50.240,0:19:53.400 a significant threat 0:19:53.400,0:19:56.920 What the policy-making community did was[br]they came up with the definition 0:19:56.920,0:19:59.440 of what they called "dangerous human interference" 0:20:00.520,0:20:04.500 In 2009, the nations in the world agreed on 0:20:04.510,0:20:10.540 a target of 2 degrees Centigrade or 3.6[br]degrees Fahrenheit of maximum warming 0:20:10.540,0:20:13.000 above the pre-industrial level 0:20:13.000,0:20:17.780 That would require emissions[br]worldwide almost entirely stopping 0:20:17.780,0:20:19.700 within a matter of decades 0:20:19.820,0:20:21.800 [Dr. John Sterman - Director, [br]MIT System Dynamics Group] 0:20:21.800,0:20:25.250 A lot of people talk about two degrees as[br]a safe level, well there is no safe level 0:20:25.250,0:20:29.980 two degrees is a round number that would be safer 0:20:29.980,0:20:34.410 but we'll still have substantial climate impacts 0:20:34.410,0:20:38.490 One degree is melting the Arctic and Antarctic. We'd be crazy to find out what two degrees will do 0:20:38.490,0:20:40.970 but we're probably going to find out 0:20:40.970,0:20:45.450 Even if we do everything right at this[br]point, that's about as good an outcome as 0:20:45.450,0:20:46.690 we can hope for 0:20:47.800,0:20:53.680 The other thing the IPCC did was they tied that 2 degrees Celsius, 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit threshold 0:20:53.680,0:20:57.930 to the amount of fossil fuels that[br]we can actually burn 0:20:57.930,0:21:04.390 And they came up with this red line in the sand which was a trillion tons of carbon 0:21:05.800,0:21:08.140 The problem is we're already more than halfway there 0:21:08.140,0:21:09.620 We're approaching 600 million tons already 0:21:09.660,0:21:12.580 and at the rate things are going 0:21:12.590,0:21:16.500 we will have completely exhausted that [br]carbon budget within thirty years 0:21:17.720,0:21:19.720 The same leaders who say they 0:21:19.760,0:21:23.700 want the temperature to go up no more[br]than 2 degrees have put forward 0:21:23.700,0:21:28.380 a series of proposals that when you add them up, leads to the temperature rising 6 degrees 0:21:28.830,0:21:33.060 the point past which most sane[br]scientists think 0:21:33.060,0:21:38.640 civilization on the scale that we now[br]know it will not be possible 0:21:38.640,0:21:43.320 It's almost a kind of refusal to come to[br]grips with reality 0:21:43.320,0:21:46.630 There's just this enormous gap between[br]what country say they want to do and what 0:21:46.630,0:21:48.150 they're actually on track to do 0:21:48.150,0:21:51.890 People call this the emissions gap 0:21:51.890,0:21:57.390 Much of this is about mathematics. We've got[br]to leave 80 percent of fossil fuels in 0:21:57.390,0:21:59.460 the ground 0:21:59.460,0:22:04.070 The fossil fuel industry wants to burn all[br]its reserves, if they do then we get that 0:22:04.070,0:22:06.000 six degrees 0:22:06.000,0:22:13.000 Each day of inaction, of business as usual,[br]puts us closer and closer on this crash course 0:22:17.020,0:22:19.020 58 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:22:19.020,0:22:20.960 [People's Climate March - Host Committee Meeting, NYC] 0:22:21.080,0:22:26.320 We're two months out from this demo, obviously[br]we all know in this room, a tremendous amount 0:22:26.320,0:22:31.650 of work has happened, is happening every day,[br]getting the word out, mobilizing people 0:22:31.650,0:22:35.520 [Leslie Cagan - Peace & Justice Organizer][br]At this point, every day counts. Every day when 0:22:35.520,0:22:37.270 we miss an opportunity, it's gone. 0:22:37.270,0:22:42.610 It's not just a one-day march, it's our long-term[br]ability to build a strong climate movement 0:22:42.610,0:22:45.080 that we need to invest in 0:22:45.080,0:22:49.120 [Ananda Lee Tan - Climate Justice Alliance][br]So being inclusive to us is really about multiple things 0:22:49.120,0:22:53.350 but recognizing that we live in a society with there is privilege, there are inequities 0:22:53.350,0:22:57.390 and in order to address the climate crisis, we have to first address those inequities 0:22:57.920,0:23:02.520 That will allow us to then bring a movement strong enough to address the global ecological crisis 0:23:05.190,0:23:09.680 If you think for second about this,[br]there is this just layer of stuff under the ground 0:23:09.680,0:23:11.650 Got put their in a specific time in 0:23:11.650,0:23:12.790 a specific way 0:23:12.790,0:23:15.800 and it just captured millennia of solar energy 0:23:16.060,0:23:20.000 [Chris Hayes - Host, All in with Chris Hayes | MSNBC][br]And we just happened upon it 0:23:20.000,0:23:24.000 It's like if you were just walking around, and then put something in the ground 0:23:24.000,0:23:27.710 and there's just millions of dollar bills down there, just pulling them out 0:23:27.710,0:23:30.290 Everything about what we do and who we are[br]and how we live 0:23:30.290,0:23:35.060 is dependent upon the fact that we just[br]found the stuff sitting there 0:23:35.060,0:23:38.420 and that stuff said "Oh, you don't have to 0:23:38.420,0:23:42.580 have everyone working in the fields all[br]the time -- you can have cities, you can have 0:23:42.580,0:23:48.060 cars, you can have iPhones." And the way I[br]view it is, as incredible as that stuff is 0:23:48.060,0:23:55.060 we've been paying this price on it the whole[br]time. And there's this clock running 0:23:57.560,0:24:02.840 The classic market failure is "negative environmental[br]externalities" 0:24:02.840,0:24:08.610 That's just jargon for "you're not paying the full[br]costs for the fossil fuels that you burn" 0:24:08.610,0:24:16.170 The racket that the fossil fuel industry has[br]run is to take costs of its products, and 0:24:16.170,0:24:18.100 export them to the public 0:24:18.840,0:24:20.860 [Keya Chatterjee - Director of [br]Renewable Energy, WWF] 0:24:20.920,0:24:24.400 Think about the litany of impacts: from sea[br]level rise, ocean acidification, the collapse 0:24:24.400,0:24:30.970 of ecosystems that we rely on for food, water[br]availability. These things are really expensive 0:24:31.020,0:24:35.850 -- when you have huge wildfires, it costs[br]a lot of money 0:24:35.850,0:24:39.530 All those costs are being dumped onto us as a society, and not being paid by people who are polluting 0:24:39.530,0:24:42.680 These big massive polluters 0:24:42.680,0:24:46.350 get to dump megatons of carbon in the[br]atmosphere, for free 0:24:46.350,0:24:50.170 You can't pollute for free. If you[br]litter you get a fine. 0:24:50.170,0:24:54.140 That makes coal and oil and other fossil fuels[br]more competitive 0:24:54.140,0:24:57.520 against solar and wind and other sources 0:24:57.520,0:24:59.500 than they deserve to be 0:24:59.500,0:25:02.000 [Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D - RI) Co-Chair, Task Force on Climate Change] 0:25:02.010,0:25:05.360 Behind the environmental problems that carbon[br]pollution causes 0:25:05.360,0:25:09.220 and behind the economic problems is a[br]political problem 0:25:09.220,0:25:12.650 that a very small group of very powerful[br]special interests 0:25:13.150,0:25:17.640 have exerted very rough control over the[br]political establishment 0:25:17.640,0:25:22.170 We're up against the fossil fuel lobby[br]that has complete access to the 0:25:22.170,0:25:23.880 political class and the ability 0:25:23.880,0:25:25.800 to bribe through legal means 0:25:25.920,0:25:29.900 and blackmail through the use of attack ads and so on 0:25:30.060,0:25:34.060 even people who oppose them have trouble opposing them too strongly 0:25:34.240,0:25:37.980 because they are in some ways economically dependent on them 0:25:37.980,0:25:40.900 Right now we have a monopoly controlled by the big carbon polluters 0:25:40.900,0:25:43.660 They grant themselves subsidy after subsidy 0:25:44.420,0:25:48.630 Think about this: how much money does the Pentagon[br]spend 0:25:48.630,0:25:53.610 helping big private oil companies get[br]their for-profit products in the Middle East here? 0:25:53.610,0:25:56.230 About half of the Pentagon's budget is just 0:25:56.230,0:26:01.240 helping Chevron and Shell and Exxon get their[br]for-profit product here 0:26:01.240,0:26:04.980 What if they had to pay for that service -- how[br]how much would gas cost then? 0:26:04.980,0:26:09.070 Plus, they also get all kinds of tax breaks[br]and other kinds of loopholes 0:26:09.070,0:26:13.290 They are a system based on a grow or die ethic, but rather than respond to the climate crisis 0:26:13.290,0:26:13.650 by scaling back 0:26:13.650,0:26:17.900 they're doubling down through fracking, through[br]tar sands oil 0:26:17.900,0:26:23.180 through coal exports, mountain top removal.[br]They have become more brazen. 0:26:23.300,0:26:30.780 It's a rogue industry, it's an industry if whose business[br]plan is followed to the letter will wreck the planet 0:26:32.430,0:26:37.070 Once you know that, then you know that these are now illegitimate business plans 0:26:37.860,0:26:42.120 We have to figure out how to disassociate ourselves with them 0:26:42.380,0:26:46.460 And that is beginning to happen all over the world 0:26:59.280,0:27:00.230 On the Great Lawn of Central Park 0:27:00.230,0:27:05.880 I was up on a stage[br]probably 70 feet in the air looking out 0:27:05.880,0:27:09.220 at that sea of people stretching out farther than the eye could see 0:27:09.220,0:27:12.760 [Denis Hayes - Founder, Earth Day Network][br]The crowd estimates were larger than a million people 0:27:13.360,0:27:18.080 April 22 1970:[br]the grassroots mobilization which we 0:27:18.400,0:27:23.320 recalled as the first Earth Day, 20 million[br]Americans called away from their jobs and 0:27:23.330,0:27:27.510 their classes into the streets in their communities 0:27:27.560,0:27:32.580 When Nixon was looking at television at these huge crowds in city after city, across the country 0:27:32.580,0:27:36.480 he apparently muttered to Ehrlichman,[br]"A lot of those people have got to be Republican" 0:27:36.720,0:27:41.470 And Republicans needed him to do something[br]for them on this issue, he felt 0:27:41.720,0:27:46.600 And it was Nixon, arguably one of the most anti-environmental presidents in American history 0:27:46.600,0:27:50.740 who felt compelled to sign the Clean Air Act 0:27:50.740,0:27:53.960 [Denis Hayes - Chairman, Earth Day April 22][br]I think the things we've been doing to date 0:27:54.330,0:27:58.060 are a reason to give us a little bit of hope[br]we've seen a degree of responsiveness on the 0:27:58.060,0:28:01.780 part of the House of Representatives and on[br]the part of the US Senate 0:28:02.120,0:28:06.100 In a matter of three years, we passed the Clean[br]Air Act, the Clean Water Act 0:28:06.100,0:28:10.000 the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act 0:28:10.000,0:28:17.230 the National Environmental Policy Act, the Environmental Education Act, Superfund 0:28:17.230,0:28:22.250 I'd go so far as to say that with the[br]possible exception of the New Deal it was 0:28:22.250,0:28:24.200 the most fundamental restructuring 0:28:24.200,0:28:27.180 of the ground rules of the American economic system 0:28:27.180,0:28:29.100 the nation has experienced 0:28:36.160,0:28:38.160 50 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:28:38.160,0:28:42.100 We are 50 days away from the largest climate[br]march in history. Are you all ready? 0:28:42.100,0:28:44.100 [People's Climate March Press Conference - Times Square, NYC] 0:28:44.100,0:28:48.100 This is not just about the environment.[br]It's about the community 0:28:48.100,0:28:53.840 [Eddie Bautista - Executive Director, NYC - EJA] [br]It's about public health, it's about jobs, it's about justice 0:28:53.840,0:28:55.840 [LaTonya Crisp-Sauray - TWU Local 100 Recording Secretary] 0:28:55.840,0:28:59.960 It was labor that got this city up and moving, and it will be labor that continues to move this city 0:29:00.440,0:29:02.980 We are the community. Are we not the community? 0:29:05.660,0:29:09.420 Our people, our people who have[br]been at the front line, not being able to breathe 0:29:09.560,0:29:13.120 [Elizabeth Yeampierre - Executive Director, Uprose][br]suffering from asthma, upper respiratory 0:29:13.140,0:29:16.340 pulmonary diseases, cancer clusters, because of environmental racism 0:29:16.500,0:29:20.520 Climate change exacerbates every [br]kind of social injustice 0:29:20.920,0:29:24.740 [Rev. Fletcher Harper - Executive Director, Greenfaith][br]that faith communities have fought against 0:29:24.920,0:29:26.340 for thousands of years 0:29:26.340,0:29:32.560 And we will not stop marching and praying and acting until we have a strong climate treaty 0:29:32.560,0:29:37.010 We've got a movement, brothers and sisters,[br]and we've got to stay together 0:29:37.010,0:29:42.030 So join us on the 21st to march and send [br]that signal to the United Nations 0:29:43.060,0:29:46.980 [Crowd chants, "The people united will never be defeated"] 0:29:52.540,0:29:55.040 [Bill McKibben - Author, "Eaarth"][br]It's only by accident that we even think 0:29:55.220,0:29:57.600 of climate change as an environmental issue 0:29:58.620,0:30:04.320 You could just as easily think about it as another example of what happens in an unequal society 0:30:04.560,0:30:10.120 The people who have contributed the least to climate change, and who have benefited the least 0:30:10.260,0:30:14.080 from the use of fossil fuel, are the[br]first people to feel the effects 0:30:14.220,0:30:18.140 People in the poorest parts[br]of the world suffer enormously already 0:30:18.140,0:30:22.000 and will suffer enormously more[br]as the century wears on 0:30:22.260,0:30:25.420 Climate disruption is a social justice issue 0:30:25.430,0:30:29.310 [Van Jones - Co-Founder, Rebuild the Dream][br]Who gets hit first and worst every time 0:30:29.310,0:30:30.890 there's one of these weather disasters? 0:30:30.890,0:30:34.950 It's low-income people, people of color,[br]people who can't get out of harm's way 0:30:34.950,0:30:39.150 And people who can't bounce back easily because they[br]don't have the money, or the social standing 0:30:39.150,0:30:41.470 or the political connections 0:30:41.470,0:30:43.400 Our communities are disproportionately impacted 0:30:43.400,0:30:46.820 [Jeanette "Jet" E. Toomer - Community Organizer, NYC-EJA] 0:30:46.920,0:30:49.480 We're all seeing that it's the indigenous[br]people, the people of color 0:30:49.490,0:30:52.880 the low-income people who have historically[br]suffered the burden 0:30:52.880,0:30:55.840 of so many other politically driven crises 0:30:55.840,0:30:57.380 There are so many countries that have been 0:30:57.520,0:31:01.060 systematically plundered over hundreds of years 0:31:01.220,0:31:04.520 And this is often described as an ecological debt, climate debt 0:31:04.520,0:31:08.820 [Naomi Klein - Author, "This Changes Everything"][br]The whole idea that there are disposable places 0:31:08.820,0:31:10.820 was always a racist idea 0:31:10.820,0:31:16.690 The idea of sacrifice zones: just treating people and places like garbage 0:31:19.980,0:31:24.240 The place where it's hardest for it to sink in is in the suburban United States 0:31:24.540,0:31:28.480 We're insulated against the natural world -- that's what the suburbs really are 0:31:28.480,0:31:34.400 a way to make you not notice [br]the natural world very much 0:31:34.660,0:31:37.340 And we're insulated in those places by wealth 0:31:38.300,0:31:40.280 At least we think we are 0:31:49.020,0:31:52.640 Scientists are screaming from the[br]rooftops about us avoiding going over 0:31:52.640,0:31:55.110 a two degree rise in the temperature of the planet 0:31:55.110,0:31:58.810 Why are they so worried about that? 0:31:58.810,0:32:00.770 [Ricken Patel - Founder & Executive Director, Avaaz][br]If we go over that amount of warming 0:32:00.770,0:32:04.510 there are feedback loops in our ecosystems 0:32:04.510,0:32:07.210 -- tipping points that climate change [br]could spin out of control 0:32:07.320,0:32:09.300 And it happens like that 0:32:13.230,0:32:17.340 There are switches that can be tripped[br]where suddenly you are in brand new territory 0:32:17.340,0:32:23.100 and you don't even begin to know what to[br]do about it 0:32:23.100,0:32:26.820 This is not a linear kind of problem that[br]we're dealing with 0:32:26.820,0:32:29.200 This is very much an exponential kind of problem 0:32:30.360,0:32:34.620 Right now we're on the edge of three[br]major tipping points 0:32:35.100,0:32:41.280 The first one is the Arctic ice cap. That ice cap is like a mirror that reflects the sun's light 0:32:41.280,0:32:43.500 off the Earth and keeps it from warming us up 0:32:43.500,0:32:46.200 But as it melts, you get a smaller mirror 0:32:46.200,0:32:50.330 which means a warmer Earth, which means more melting, which means more climate change 0:32:50.330,0:32:56.130 Another example is arctic methane -- we've[br]got a gigantic amount of methane gas 0:32:56.130,0:33:03.130 frozen into the tundra, and it is 50[br]times as toxic as CO₂ is. It's CO₂ on steroids. 0:33:03.640,0:33:08.050 As it warms, and that methane gets[br]released, it then causes global warming to 0:33:08.050,0:33:12.750 get worse, which means it warms more, which[br]means more methane released 0:33:12.750,0:33:17.280 which means worse warming, and that [br]process spins out of control 0:33:17.280,0:33:21.760 Another example of a tipping point is ocean[br]acidification. As you get more CO₂ in the atmosphere 0:33:21.760,0:33:24.560 a lot of it is actually going into our oceans 0:33:24.560,0:33:30.200 And a lot of stuff, like plankton, can't live[br]in that kind of acidified water 0:33:30.200,0:33:35.940 And plankton is the basis of the food chain -- if the plankton die, we lose the whole ocean ecosystem 0:33:35.940,0:33:41.420 These kinds of feedback loops and tipping[br]points are what keep me up at night -- 0:33:41.420,0:33:47.260 that we will hit one before we're able to turn[br]things around 0:33:47.260,0:33:52.800 Even if we went "cold turkey" today, because of the time lags in our climate system 0:33:53.000,0:33:56.500 we've already signed up for things that we can't see yet 0:33:56.510,0:34:00.980 We live in a razor-thin livable universe 0:34:00.980,0:34:05.040 Just a few kilometres below [br]my feet, it's too hot to live 0:34:05.040,0:34:09.920 Just a few kilometres above my head, the air is too thin to breathe 0:34:09.920,0:34:12.940 It's not about a few more droughts and a few more storms 0:34:13.000,0:34:17.000 It's about a catastrophic shift in this fragile balance of our biosphere 0:34:17.000,0:34:19.880 that threatens everything we love 0:34:24.100,0:34:26.100 37 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:34:26.400,0:34:28.920 What we all need to be focused on is[br]turnout, turnout, turnout 0:34:29.760,0:34:33.639 Youth, is there somebody that wants to do[br]an update from youth. Armando? 0:34:33.639,0:34:37.690 [Armando Chapelliquen - Project Coordinator, NYPIRG][br]So just a quick list of things I wanted to go over 0:34:37.690,0:34:39.600 Obviously a lot of folks who are working on the youth stuff are working at 0:34:39.600,0:34:41.300 the Climate Justice Youth Leadership Summit 0:34:41.420,0:34:45.040 There's a lot of organizing going on right[br]now there for the People's Climate March 0:34:45.050,0:34:46.469 So a lot of people who may not have been plugged[br]in already 0:34:46.469,0:34:49.480 are getting informed about it, and[br]the people who are already informed about it 0:34:49.480,0:34:51.400 are getting even more people fired up about it 0:34:52.080,0:34:54.580 [Climate Justice Youth Summit - New York City] 0:34:54.620,0:34:59.640 There's a lot of things that we pay attention[br]to, that we focus on, that are fun -- but 0:35:00.460,0:35:04.500 they are short-lived, and they are not for[br]the betterment of us 0:35:05.250,0:35:08.880 We have to re-prioritize what's important to us 0:35:08.880,0:35:12.560 Our environment isn't[br]just ice caps melting in Antarctica 0:35:13.210,0:35:14.660 We're the ones who face the problems day-to-day -- 0:35:14.660,0:35:18.970 if you're breathing in smog[br]or your little brother has asthma 0:35:18.970,0:35:22.680 that's environmental injustice, and those are things[br]that we have the power to push back on 0:35:22.680,0:35:27.340 Imagine being the person who changes the face of climate change 0:35:27.340,0:35:30.520 so that we don't have to deal with [br]those impacts every day 0:35:32.920,0:35:34.920 [Joaquin Brito Jr. - Climate Justice Organizer, Uprose] 0:35:34.920,0:35:41.799 So on September 21st, we're going to march for Climate Justice -- so who's with us? Come on let's hear it! 0:35:52.340,0:35:58.339 OK, alright, yes -- we pull the fossil[br]fuels out of the ground, we put them in the 0:35:58.339,0:36:03.069 incinerator, we put the carbon in the sky,[br]it warms the Earth, lots of bad stuff is going 0:36:03.069,0:36:09.849 to happen -- heat waves, extreme weather,[br]floods. OK, sure. But I mean, really, is that 0:36:09.849,0:36:16.849 the thing I care about most. There's all these[br]other issues in my life that are more pressing 0:36:17.420,0:36:21.349 For someone who is engaged in a struggle for[br]higher minimum wage 0:36:21.349,0:36:23.990 or worries about health care,[br]it's understandable that these molecules 0:36:23.990,0:36:27.900 floating around the air seem invisible[br]and abstract 0:36:30.230,0:36:35.559 Humans have this thing that we call a finite[br]pool of worry. You've got your mortgage you've 0:36:35.559,0:36:39.289 got to pay you've got your kids you've got[br]to take care of -- and they tend to be more immediate 0:36:42.420,0:36:46.280 We respond to things that feel[br]incredibly urgent, like a gun to the head, 0:36:46.829,0:36:52.359 a stampede a wild elephants. Climate change[br]is a completely 0:36:52.359,0:36:58.410 different kind of risk. It plays out[br]over these very long time scales, and it's 0:36:58.410,0:37:02.249 really hard to perceive it as a very urgent threat 0:37:02.249,0:37:06.910 The other thing that happens is that there's something[br]called a "single action bias" 0:37:06.910,0:37:12.150 We have this tendency to see a threat, and we try[br]to fix it with one thing 0:37:12.150,0:37:16.599 it's like the silver bullet solution. When we look at climate change we become overwhelmed by it 0:37:16.599,0:37:21.500 because there's so many different ways that we're[br]going to need to fix it 0:37:22.600,0:37:29.480 25 years we've been talking about climate change. The[br]level of scientific reports becomes higher and higher 0:37:29.499,0:37:33.719 [George Marshall - Author, "Don't Even Think About it"][br]Why has that still not compelled 0:37:33.720,0:37:35.720 the majority of people to action? 0:37:39.470,0:37:44.180 Cognitive psychologists have been mapping[br]the processing systems within our brains 0:37:44.180,0:37:48.839 and they have found that there are two parallel[br]and deeply interlocked processing systems 0:37:51.180,0:37:57.380 The rational side, the analytic side[br]which deals with information, facts, data 0:37:57.380,0:38:04.079 And we have another side which is a much more[br]intuitive and emotionally driven side 0:38:04.079,0:38:10.940 It is that emotional system that moves us into action 0:38:10.940,0:38:16.059 The challenge for climate change is how do[br]we get something that's so based in the science 0:38:16.059,0:38:22.419 to cross over to the side that makes us feel[br]something 0:38:22.540,0:38:26.780 People are reluctant to stand up and take action if they don't see many other people around and taking action 0:38:26.789,0:38:31.420 And that is why it is absolutely critical[br]that there are people who seem to be doing something 0:38:31.420,0:38:36.170 They are creating the breakage 0:38:36.170,0:38:41.610 Climate changes is strangely, [br]maybe uniquely, problematic 0:38:41.880,0:38:50.280 because not only are we all bystanders, we are also perpetrators actively contributing to the thing 0:38:50.340,0:38:54.760 If we recognize a problem, we become morally compelled to take action on it 0:38:54.769,0:38:58.789 There is a fundamental tipping point at which[br]that has to happen 0:39:02.040,0:39:04.040 25 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:39:06.460,0:39:08.460 [People's Climate Tour - Boston, MA] 0:39:08.460,0:39:12.360 Change doesn't happen because people[br]decide to stay home and click "like" on Facebook 0:39:12.360,0:39:16.300 [Vanessa Rule - Co-Director, Mothers Out Front][br]Change happens because people like you and I 0:39:16.300,0:39:18.300 decide to get involved 0:39:18.890,0:39:25.240 We didn't want to leave it to world leaders -- their track record is not very good in dealing with this question 0:39:25.240,0:39:28.100 [Joe Uehlein - Founder, Labor Network for Sustainability] 0:39:28.100,0:39:34.220 I am a trade unionist and I am an environmentalist[br]and I see no conflict whatsoever in those two things 0:39:35.150,0:39:42.140 It's in our core self-interest as a [br]trade union movement to help build 0:39:42.140,0:39:47.849 the path to a sustainable future and get on[br]the right side of the climate change issue 0:39:47.849,0:39:51.129 sooner rather than later 0:40:01.420,0:40:05.140 Normally it takes a long time to switch energy sources -- 0:40:05.140,0:40:07.400 50 or 60 years to go from wood to coal, coal to oil and gas 0:40:07.400,0:40:09.960 We lack 50 or 60 years 0:40:09.960,0:40:15.730 The reason we want to get off of fossil[br]fuels now is because we have to 0:40:15.730,0:40:17.619 to protect our way of life 0:40:17.619,0:40:24.619 We need vision for what the [br]post-carbon economy looks like 0:40:24.619,0:40:28.509 that is inspiring enough and delivers enough 0:40:28.559,0:40:33.519 in terms of jobs, in terms of new opportunities 0:40:33.519,0:40:35.069 in terms of better health 0:40:35.069,0:40:38.519 It has to be exciting 0:40:38.519,0:40:44.009 There are many more jobs available to people[br]who are going to be building wind turbines 0:40:44.009,0:40:47.220 retrofitting houses so they waste less energy 0:40:47.220,0:40:51.630 Solar panels have to be installed by a person[br]-- that person has to go to your home 0:40:51.630,0:40:55.799 There's no way to outsource putting [br]that solar panel onto a roof 0:40:55.799,0:41:00.500 A 100 percent renewable economy is within our grasp -- 0:41:00.539,0:41:03.220 it is economically and technologically possible 0:41:03.220,0:41:07.079 It's not something that we need to keep researching because it's always off in the distance 0:41:07.079,0:41:10.849 No, it's here. It's a question[br]of political will 0:41:10.849,0:41:16.489 If you look at the renewable revolution that's[br]happened in Germany, it wasn't about leaving 0:41:16.489,0:41:20.269 the renewable sector to the market, it was[br]about creating different incentives -- 0:41:20.269,0:41:23.069 and there was an explosion of[br]innovation and creativity 0:41:23.069,0:41:26.910 Germany is now the number one solar[br]country in the world, even though they had 0:41:26.910,0:41:31.640 the same amount of solar incidence as Alaska 0:41:31.640,0:41:36.839 Can we do it? Can we take the power[br]that has been highly centralized 0:41:36.839,0:41:41.589 and highly focused and controlled by very few hands 0:41:41.589,0:41:43.500 and it is not an accident that very few hands controlling power in the sense of electricity 0:41:43.500,0:41:48.700 leads to very few hands controlling power in the sense of political power 0:41:49.480,0:41:52.339 We are going to try a global experiment [br]that is going to be the most difficult 0:41:52.339,0:41:55.019 thing humans have ever done [br]which is to rip those two apart 0:41:55.019,0:41:57.109 which means we are democratizing[br]power 0:41:57.109,0:41:59.539 in both senses of the word 0:41:59.539,0:42:06.279 The real question is, are we gonna scrape the[br]bottom up the barrel for the last polycarbons 0:42:06.279,0:42:12.150 on Earth, to burn them too. Or can we actually[br]show some restraint 0:42:12.150,0:42:14.600 -- which we ask our children to do ("don't eat the last 17 marshmallows") 0:42:14.600,0:42:20.119 could you just show some restraint and choose a wiser course? 0:42:20.119,0:42:26.640 A Canadian company called TransCanada[br]wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline 0:42:26.640,0:42:30.039 The $13 billion dollar system would carry crude[br]oil 0:42:30.039,0:42:34.740 from the so-called tar sands region in Alberta to Houston, Texas for refining 0:42:34.740,0:42:38.950 The Keystone XL pipeline has become a huge[br]focus of controversy 0:42:38.950,0:42:41.160 Tar sands oil is particularly dirty, it's particularly carbon-intensive 0:42:41.160,0:42:46.119 An estimated 2,000 environmental activists[br]from across the continent plan to gather in 0:42:46.119,0:42:48.890 Washington, D.C. to launch a two-week protest 0:42:48.890,0:42:53.369 It has become a symbol to both sides in[br]this debate where the people who want further 0:42:53.369,0:42:58.960 development of fossil fuels see getting Keystone[br]through as core to their strategy 0:42:58.960,0:43:02.809 And on the other side, the climate activists see[br]it as a symbolic fight that they have to win 0:43:02.809,0:43:05.440 I'm here as a Nebraska citizen and landowner 0:43:05.440,0:43:09.350 I'm on the advisory board of the Center for Health and the Global Environment 0:43:09.390,0:43:10.900 I'm an Evangelical Christian 0:43:10.900,0:43:13.250 I'm a proud member of the Transport Workers Union of America 0:43:13.720,0:43:18.079 You know what's so fascinating about this[br]whole Keystone thing is that that was supposed 0:43:18.079,0:43:22.160 to be a wedge and instead[br]it's been turned upside down 0:43:22.160,0:43:24.700 Now it's actually a base that is lining up 0:43:24.700,0:43:26.670 constituency after constituency 0:43:26.680,0:43:32.200 Today we act. Today we send a message to them,[br]and everybody else 0:43:32.220,0:43:36.559 We are taking back our futures! 0:43:36.559,0:43:42.710 Something extraordinary and unexpected has[br]backfired out of the ambition of the fossil fuel companies 0:43:42.710,0:43:44.609 They've built a movement by mistake 0:43:44.609,0:43:48.190 If you are going to be risking arrest, you're[br]going to be lining up over here 0:43:48.190,0:43:50.309 One of the tools that came into play was 0:43:50.309,0:43:55.670 peaceful civil disobedience to show the moral[br]urgency of these problems 0:43:55.670,0:43:59.330 that this was the crisis of our time 0:43:59.730,0:44:03.700 I saw a story in one of the trade publications of the oil industry not long ago 0:44:03.759,0:44:07.480 And they said, "We're never going[br]to get to build another pipeline in peace again" 0:44:07.940,0:44:12.900 And I hope they're right 0:44:27.780,0:44:34.780 As scientists, we study this out of this fascination,[br]and kind of awe -- this whole system that 0:44:34.789,0:44:36.200 we call "home" 0:44:36.200,0:44:41.420 We are on this planet that[br]is so perfectly built to sustain life 0:44:41.449,0:44:45.390 We got so lucky. And then you begin to think 0:44:45.390,0:44:52.009 what do you do with this knowledge -- this unbearable,[br]incredibly depressing knowledge that the decision 0:44:52.009,0:44:56.970 to burn fossil fuels was a decision that had[br]tremendous downside risks 0:44:56.970,0:45:01.249 that we didn't realize immediately 0:45:01.249,0:45:06.190 When I read a climate science article that talks about[br]mid-century projections, what I read is what 0:45:06.190,0:45:12.420 is going to happen when my kid is 40 -- that's what[br]I see on the page and for me it is absolutely 0:45:12.420,0:45:19.359 my responsibility then to do whatever it takes[br]to protect my child 0:45:19.359,0:45:24.589 Alice Walker says that resistance is the secret[br]of joy -- and I don't know if it's the secret 0:45:24.589,0:45:28.880 of joy, but I know it is definitely the secret[br]of staving off depression 0:45:28.880,0:45:33.950 The reality we're facing is very grave, so[br]how do you not get depressed about it 0:45:33.950,0:45:35.900 Well one way you don't get depressed is by work 0:45:40.260,0:45:43.120 Things change for lots of different reasons 0:45:43.349,0:45:48.130 There's all kinds of dynamics -- but one central element[br]is people being in the streets 0:45:49.880,0:45:53.850 All of us must stand up together and say, "No more!" 0:45:55.180,0:45:58.940 We live in a culture[br]that doesn't tell us our own history 0:45:58.940,0:46:01.779 that doesn't tell us the history of social movement wins 0:46:01.779,0:46:07.279 and the times in our past when masses of people[br]have taken the wheel of history and turned it 0:46:07.279,0:46:12.579 It was only one percent of Americans[br]that ever took part in the civil rights demonstration 0:46:12.579,0:46:18.700 but they were able to change our society[br]enough to stand up to those powers that be 0:46:18.700,0:46:25.700 I think that this march will go down as one[br]of the greatest, if not the greatest 0:46:25.859,0:46:30.190 demonstrations for freedom and human dignity ever held in the United States 0:46:30.860,0:46:35.800 Martin Luther King always said that the victories[br]that had been won so far 0:46:35.860,0:46:41.729 were the ones that were cheapest to the status quo. Giving legal rights and giving voting rights 0:46:41.880,0:46:47.790 doesn't cost the system nearly as much as providing[br]good jobs and infrastructure and good schools 0:46:47.940,0:46:51.600 We as a people will get to the promised land 0:46:51.760,0:46:55.260 Big victories have been won before, [br]but nothing on the scale 0:46:55.420,0:46:58.520 of the economic challenge that really[br]responding to the climate crisis represents 0:46:59.160,0:47:02.939 We have a responsibility to rise to our historical moment 0:47:03.079,0:47:07.719 We are joining around the world to say the time has come 0:47:07.719,0:47:11.699 If we're going to have a movement worthy of[br]the name, solidarity among all these different 0:47:11.859,0:47:14.950 causes needs to be the foremost principle 0:47:14.950,0:47:20.079 It's this broad and powerful spectrum of allies[br]that has the political weight 0:47:20.079,0:47:21.609 to move the dialogue on this 0:47:21.609,0:47:25.589 There's a tipping point coming, where the[br]online movements are going to move offline 0:47:25.589,0:47:31.269 If we can push this to where there's a social[br]tipping point, we really can move forward on this issue 0:47:32.540,0:47:34.540 We will not be stopped 0:47:34.540,0:47:36.540 Take action right now 0:47:36.540,0:47:39.600 This is the issue that I will vote on, this is the issue I will bid money on 0:47:39.600,0:47:42.480 This is the issue I will scream at the top of[br]my lungs into a bullhorn over 0:47:42.700,0:47:45.180 That is what moves politics 0:47:45.340,0:47:47.220 14 DAYS UNTIL THE MARCH 0:47:47.500,0:47:53.800 The People's Climate March is our chance to[br]show the immense power of people in solidarity 0:47:55.500,0:47:59.480 Heads of state are gathering. They need us[br]to say, "We demand action" 0:47:59.869,0:48:03.140 This is the right thing, at the right time,[br]in the right place 0:48:03.140,0:48:06.630 The whole world will be watching 0:48:06.630,0:48:12.119 Nothing moves public opinion, more than seeing[br]large numbers of people gathered 0:48:12.119,0:48:18.299 A march is not an end in itself. It is a tool.[br]In my heart of hearts I know that this 0:48:18.299,0:48:23.329 People's Climate March in September will serve to deepen this movement 0:48:23.329,0:48:28.170 I will be there in New York, September 21st 0:48:28.170,0:48:32.779 There is no replacement, even in the digital[br]age, for human bodies, next to each other, 0:48:32.779,0:48:39.779 standing as one, hearts beating as one, voices raised as one, making a political demand 0:48:40.620,0:48:43.941 If you don't fight for what you want, you[br]deserve what you get 0:48:44.700,0:48:47.120 September 21st, in some ways, is the beginning 0:48:47.640,0:48:51.909 There are teams around the world, organizing[br]marches in Rio, in Delhi, in Berlin, in Paris, 0:48:51.909,0:48:54.039 in London 0:48:54.039,0:48:59.359 People around the world will get together[br]in the largest climate change mobilization in history 0:48:59.370,0:49:03.351 Are you ready to march? Are you ready to march? 0:49:09.754,0:49:13.714 HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW 0:49:14.020,0:49:19.539 JOIN THE MARCH[br]PEOPLESCLIMATE.ORG 0:49:20.479,0:49:25.489 SEND A MESSAGE [br]Text DISRUPT to 97779 0:49:26.928,0:49:31.428 SHARE THIS MOVIE [br]watchdisruption.com 0:49:32.079,0:49:36.759 You can't undo the day after something like[br]that happens 0:50:04.020,0:50:10.020 There is a line that divides good from evil,[br]and it runs down the middle 0:50:10.180,0:50:11.880 of every single person 0:50:11.890,0:50:16.930 When we prevail, it won't just be because[br]we defeated the worst instincts in other people 0:50:16.930,0:50:21.710 It will be because we overcame the worst instincts[br]and the worst fears, even within ourselves