Hello! Hello! Is everything allright? Yes. Ok, so this is the microphone. Today's meeting was summoned jointly by the Committee and the Centre, to understand along with the villagers what is truly desired and what is possible to achieve. I have just retired, after having been a nurse for 35 years. I have been living in the village for a month. And I am looking forward to live a long happy life here. So be it. And to contribute for the community. We are part of the problems and we must solve them. WELCOME TO THE VILLAGE OF AMOREIRAS THE DREAM VILLAGE 2011 The land we live in belongs to our grandchildren, we must live on she offers us, without wasting it nor depending on other regions. WELCOME TO AMOREIRAS VILLAGE The Amoreiras village is our land which we must manage sustainably. The first step is to dream (to dream). FIRST COURSE ON TRANSITION INITIATIVES IN PORTUGAL We must solve our problems, as we are a part of them. I believe this is a very important ethical part, but there are also ecological and humanistic parts, and a holistic part too. The first change is the need to recognize the need for a change, at personal and community levels. The need to alter our present human behaviours that impair the planet. The way by which our society is lead nowadays is not sustainable. So this offers an alternative relatively to all this unsustainable consumerist behaviour we live upon. The most important issue at the start of a transition group is the pioneer team. To meet other people that are already involved or wish to become involved and understand how I may contribute to such a transition. We are trying to inspire, to share and to provide energy to all those that consider that the transition model is a highly important tool of cultural transformation and as a shift towards a more resilient world where we all can be happier. And the first step is to gather people that think similarly. FUNCHEIRA We are waiting for the volunteers that will perform the inquiries at the village. And that's it. It's hot and we keep awaiting. It came to oppose a large problem here in Portugal which is desertification of its inland and rural areas. There's a major desertification danger... With such desertification very important manners and traditions for the Portuguese history and identity are being lost. There are many villages like this in Portugal in the same or worst conditions. Villages still hold an important role on the development of countries. With this project at the village hope can be attained and elder people can believe that their lives are not over yet. Villages produce goods that are needed in the cities and cities provide for goods needed at the villages. The ideal would be not to neglect any of the parts. Instead of being dependent on other countries, maybe there could be a sustainable Portugal. It will result on the mutual help and better organization of the people so more people are attracted to the village. It would be really good that just some of the people's dreams could become real. It would be really good. The village would truly need it to become more dynamic and self-sustained, which is what was really needed. With a lot of work, all together, maybe we can achieve some of those dreams, I wouldn't say all, but most of them or the most essential ones. CLEANER VILLAGE NEATER VILLAGE MARKET VILLAGE MARKET "I've been a little seed and now I evolve" THE IMPORTANCE OF LOCAL SEEDS "In Spring my leaves grow" HOW AGRICULTURE AROUSE "And in Summer the fruits do too" GENETIC EROSION ON FIELD "Oh village, oh village" At least we could make some of the dreams real... "Oh village of Amoreiras, all the beautiful girls..." The meetings' purpose is to gather ideas and try to reach a conclusion so something can be done. MEETING: HEALTH We have came to a conclusion, we already have nurses. It is working and the medical appointments are ongoing. I came to measure my blood pressure. So have I. Hello! Hello! We are going to make a lot of noise here at the village. One of the dreams consisted in having more spaces and activities dedicated for children. CHILDREN'S COFFEE SHOP MEETING: CHILDREN SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN If parents want the village to develop they must help. "They do not know that dreaming "is a life's constancy "as concrete and defined "as any other thing A FILM BY CONVERGENCY CENTRE "as this grey stone & VILLAGE OF AMOREIRAS " where I sit and rest "as this gentle stream "in serene jolts "as these tall pinetrees "stirring gold and green This is the proposed challenge! "as these crying trees "in blue enebriations "They don't know that dreaming "is wine and foam and yeast "a merry thirsty little being "with a pointed snout "in a perpetual movement "They don't know nor dream "that the dream comands life "and everytime a man dreams "the world jumps and moves forward "just like a coloured ball "in the hands of a child." Poem «Pedra Filosofal» by António Gedeão, Music by Manuel Freire