On the relevance of education... So, is education relevant? The answer to that is education is at least as relevant as ever, probably more relevant than ever because so much of what we need to do in our daily lives requires more education that has in the past. So education is important and relevant. Is the way that is delivered or provided to us always relevant? The answer of course is no. Academic… the word academic is almost synonymous with irrelevant. So there are large strides that we need to make, things we need to do in terms of connecting what we do in our formal education programs to people’s real lives so that they care about them. And in some ways Open Educational Resources is useful in helping to do that because they’re not things that have to be kept inside school, that you can only use at school and you have to leave at school. They go out into your life with you, you find them when you search on Google, they’re just more connected to your life. So I think they are a nice bridge into making education slightly more relevant, hopefully, in the way that is delivered.