A practical Strategy for Communicating RBE Concepts by Jen Wilding Hi. Ok. By a quick show of hands. How many people on this room have introduced somebody to the concept of a resource-based economic model and as a result you received a response of sincere gratitude from the person? You were told 'thank you for sharing this with me'. Ok good. Well I don't know how many of you have actually shared... How many of you (up) have shared this with other people? Ok, so not everyone has received that response. But hopefully I'm gonna help you out with that. So now, how many people may have received feedback at all similar to this note of gratitude I'm gonna read to you? I just wanna thank you for posting the facebook status: 'WAKE UP YOU IGNORANT SHEEPLES BEFORE WE ALL DIE' Followed by eleven exclamation points because if you haven't done that myself, my wife and two children might not have watched the fourteen youtube links you posted in the two hours following that and thus discovered this new resource-based economic paradigm, information that has been life-changing for us. I shatter to think that if your status had been typed into lower case letters instead of all caps, we might still be in the dark today about solutions that offer encouraging possibilities to all mankind. So, I don't think any of you identify with that. Fortunately! and this is not a real post but unfortunately it was modeled after some people's real posts. No one here I'm sure... and I bring this up as an extreme example of how our strategy for communicating information has a direct impact on wheter or not someone is open to considering the information you have to offer. And I bring this up as an extreme example to illustrate that in particular. And what's... even though this is nothing new (that the way you communicate makes a difference) as a US coordinator one of the most frequent question I'm asked by people is: How do I communicate this information in a way that my friends, relatives and coworkers will be more likely to receive it? So, I've been invited to offer some advice to, perhaps, optimize your communication strategy which I offer to you in six parts. Part one is Adjusting Your Expectations When trying to contribute to an evolution you have to consider a major component that has been prevalent in our own existing evolution up until now and that is the component that humans have a history of exhibiting symptoms of... and that is 'Neofobia'. Actually not this kind, a different kind and by that I mean: The fear of new things or experiences and as a related condition, there is a related condition also called 'The Status Quo Bias' which is very similar to that and so I'm sure you have experienced with people who are exhibiting both Neofobia and perhaps the Status Quo Bias So Neofobia [is] the fear of new things or experiences and Status Quo Bias [is] a cognitive bias for the status quo, in other words, people tend no to change an alredy established behaviour and tend to go with default programming and traditionally this fear of new things is someone indigenous to our human limbic system which is related to our emotion and memory mind and has been helpful keeping us -in an evolutionary sense- from an early demise as a result of eating unfamiliar berries that might be poisonous, yet as we are discovering It has been decidedly unhelpful when needing to update crippled socio-economic systems. So here are some potentials causes of neofobia and status quo bias. risk aversion, regret avoidance, transactional costs ad psychological commitment or learning curve. Here is an example of Neofobia as its finest in history and this is from an article called "Enhancing Humanity" written by the professor Raymond Tallis, quoted "In Victorian times, it was anticipated that going through a dark tunnel in a train at high speed (48 km/h) would be such a shocking experience that people would come out the other side irreversibly damaged". This was an actual fear of travel by rail. So this is what you are working with and so when I say adjust your expectations just know that it's a natural part of humans, a natural part of evolution even, you know, to be skpectical of new things 'cause they may not be good for us. Knowing this challenge, how can we enhance our communication strategy to be more effective? and to answer this question we can look to other information about human behavior for clues. So I'm going to ask you this... Can you guess the most addictive human behaviour? No, it's not cigarette smoking. It's not eating sweets (although breathing is a good one I don't think it made the list) Drinking coffee, no. [Sex:] It came close we know showers vote. Being right! There was no formal study per se, it was more an informal survey of a few close friends but I think the results have merit in this conversation and I actually dare you to prove me wrong. So stay with me because this is leading us into part two, which is... Part two is Adopt the Quality of "Brilliant" didn't you know you could do this? as many of you know this is something that is desirable. Adopting the quality of brilliant... and so... let's think of what that's actually comprised of. Maybe this is something you've heard or perhaps said about someone, an author or speaker that you have thought was brilliant: "This guy (or gal) is saying some of the same things I've been telling people for years, He or she puts all together so well; he or she is therefore brilliant!". Do you see the connection? Right? So, if you were to go to that in your mind, You might had even said that about Peter Joseph as I know many of you are perhaps here as a result of watching his movies. I hear this said about him all the time, I have stated this about him at the time So basically it comes down to this: It really feels good to be right! and we tend to listen to people who make us right, basically who validate an aspect of our existing view of the world. So I'm gonna talk about belief systems, our view of the world belief systems as a worldview. This is sort of a map and note the map is not the terrirory, famously. Since we are born we begin developing our worldview, how the world works, what our relationship to the world is and in order for us to first learn something new, we need to have some orientation of the new idea to our current worldview, our reference. A wise friend once told me that he'd heard that the ultimate sign of intelligence in a person was having the abbility to honestly try on another's person worldview a different opposing view temporarily without any fear or obligation to take it on as his own. So just trying it on and seeing how that person thinks. So I want you to imagine how the effort of trying on the worldview of others can contribute to your communication. So, how can you adopt this quality of brilliant? Well you can set out to make someone 'right' instead of make them 'wrong' and try to start out with agreement... and you do this by finding and ackowleding shared values within their existing worldview. And why does this work? Because it gives us those good feelings, it gives that person a sense of: 'well this person does have some good points on this particular aspect'. Some keys to natural brillance are that you really need to be a good listener in a conversation with someone, so that you can learn what their worldview is, find out what's important to them. And you wanna find areas of authentic agreement and then contribute authentic agreement to the conversation and basically it means that authenticity is important because I know when someone is being fake with me just as much as I'm sure you do. If someone is just trying to be manipulative and there's not need to in this case. We are talking about things that people have shared values in regard to. There is common ground to be found so all you have to do is find where the authentic common ground is. So I wanna review some shared values that you are gonna find in our resource-based economic model what we are advocating, what we desire and also if you'd listen to a lot of other people and what they are looking for is basically the same thing in one form or another and if not all of these things, some of these things. So... Human equality, efficiency or sustainability, scientific proof or evidence, health and well being and freedom for personal contribution. And let's see (just as a reminder or refresher) let's quickly review the characteristics of a resource-based economic model, which are: no money or market system, automation of labor, technological unification of Earth via "systems approach", access over property (so basically having access to resources vs having to own them), self contained or localized city and production systems, and science as the methodology for governance. So that's basically, you know, what you would be leading into in a communication after you start with an agreement from a shared value. And we are gonna move to part 3 and them I'm gonna sort of give some examples of how all this fits into a conversation. Comparing a Resource Based Economy concept to an existing or familiar concept. And this is challenging because it is hard to find where in our current system there are things to tap into that people can relate to. So I'll give you a few examples, the reason that the fish or sea animals don't eat each other at the New England Aquarium. and this aquarium is a four-story coral reef exhibit that includes over 6,000 sea animals and I was there visiting a little over a year ago and a child asked this question of the aquarium stuff: Why don't the fish and sea animals that would normally be eaten each other in the ocean do this in the tank? and how do you maintain your stock for this (or the fish)? The answer was that the reason is they have modified their behaviour is because the acquarium stuff is diligent to ensure that all of the species are well fed with food that they are satisfied with and since they are already taking care of in this way there's no need for them to feed on each other, they can now swim side by side without a problem. So, do you think fish are smarter than humans would be in a similar scenario? Just something to think about. That was the human nature argument. Or this one: I personally find more freedom in not owning my own shopping cart that I would trying to lug it to the store with every trip. You know we can start to realize that we already accept sharting property as a freedom in certain present day contexts. So that makes it easier to consider that an idea could be expanded upon within a proved outcome. So then you might think: well, are there other ways in which this might be useful? That we would be sharing resources where we need them and not needing to own them. You know, there is actually more freedom in that concept and we embrace it, I don't know anybody that would say No I have to have my own shopping cart, this is ridiculous. You know, so, food for thought. Also children offer a great example of how humans might behave when they aren't required to have jobs. Notice they don't usually have much paperwork represented in their play and there is probably not call to the insurance company that check coverage details. We can learn so much from little people. But they do play to be helpful with each other and it is a sense of work, except that it's work they are enjoying. You know, they'd love to be doing that for real, as an adult thing to do. but it's not something that, you know... the kids aren't... they are playing. I don't know how many people's kids just sit around and watch football all day long, and then they never leave the house at this age. Although that would be more convenient for some parents. No, they are pretty active so I think they offer a good example when people say, you know, isn't everybody gonna be lazy if there aren't any jobs? Part four is to make use of the Socratic Method a.k.a. (otherwise known as) Ask Questions, and really listen for the answers. Asking questions encourages critical thinking on the part of both parties, but in order to really be effective, you need to actively listen for the answers to questions and then formulate a new response based on those answers instead of just waiting for your turn to speak. So, in order to kind of illustrate this, I'm gonna give you some examples of communication exchanges based on real things that had come up of people who after you sort of introduced the concept of a Resource Based Economy or maybe they just watched one of Peter's films they have different kind of reactions to them so I'll give you some examples. You know: Won't everyone be just as lazy in a Resource Based Economy? You ask yourself: What are the shared values or concerns behind this response? And this is really what you wanna look for. Human Equality, it would be unfair for some people to be doing work or not contributing and just benefiting, and I think that's kind of the view so the human equality, and also that place into sustainability if everybody wouldn't just be lazy in a RBE you know, what would really get done? what would really happen? Would that be any place I wanna live? And of course you here are people that already get this but this is just trying to tap into how you might respond to this in a way that is tapping into those shared values. So you might, again I suggest a response that includes the shared value acknowledged and start with an agreement I agree and in order for this new system to sustain itself, you can't have one group benefiting over another group. It has to be a fair system where everyone is reaping equal benefits. And what I actually like about an RBE model is that the issue of equality is addressed in the design. The idea is to reduce human labor using an efficient system design and technology so that the necessary jobs that no one enjoys become completely automated. And this leaves jobs that people enjoy like teaching, creating art, creating music, developing technology, gardening - work that mostly would not require a rigid, stressful schedule, or that could be shared in shifts perhaps with others to allow for family and social time. And then I would pose a question: Do you feel that in that scenario people would still choose to lay around instead of making a pleasurable contribution? So that's just one example of how to approach that particular person to open up the conversation. Another one is: But technology hasn't improved life; it's made things worse. So, I'd like to think in what would be the shared concerns of values behind this kind of a response? Well-being, because we know technology today replaces jobs which are tied to income which causes people to have a lower standard of living. So there is a concern for well being underlying that statement and making a personal contribution also it may be when they say it's made things worse, you know the evils that technology is used for, such as in warfare. So our response might be: I agree. There is a lot of technology in existence today that does more harm than good. Military weapons are a prime example, in additions to machines stealing jobs from humans, and thus taking away needed income. However in a Resource Based Economic Model, the need for weapons to secure land or resources becomes obsolete. Technology created for this purpose would be obsolete and since humans would no longer need to work to earn money in order to live confortably, I think in those circunstances we'd welcome the machines to do the labor that we don't enjoy or that is unsafe. Then Imagine what good things could be done by machines if money wasn't in existence or money is no object. Also, to give a current example of where technology can be used for really amazing things. Technicians are already in the process of perfecting technology that allows for the "printing" of vital human organs such as kidneys. And that's just one example. But, you know, it took a tremendous advancement to get there (in techonology), So, do we really want to all lump it into evil and bad? So these are some things you can bring up in that conversation. As a Christian, I think we need to take into account God's Will. As a response, so [what are] the shared values or concepts behind this response? Could be human equality, could be well being as you are talking to the person you can kind of get what that means to them. And so, here is some one way that you might approach it. Jesus is a great example of an advocate for a Resource-Based Economic Model per scriptures. So, for example: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in". - Matthew 25:35 Note that he doesn't say you gave me a great competitive discount on these things... So it is within. He also multiplied the fishes and the loaves at that one event which sort of makes me think he'd dig this whole post-scarcity aspect of it. Eliminating poverty, and allowing multitudes of people to have free access of food, shelter and healthcare. In fact, the only time he really gets angry that I recall es when he kicks the money exchangers out of the temple. And then you pose a question: So, what do you think he'd say about it? In that framework, and I think you'd be surprised that they may be a little bit more opened to further discussion on it. Next. We need to embrace a true free market and individual sovereignty and things will improve if we do this. So some shared values and concerns behind this response if someone is saying: no, we really need to see what the true market has to offer and focus on that. This is more the anarchocapitalist libertarian response and I know it well 'cause I used to be in that thing. Human equality is definetly in there as an underlying atribute that they are seeking. Freedom of personal contribution is definetly something that they are seeking in this response and it's something that is a shared value of a resource-based economy. Response: I also greatly value individual freedom and also agree that a well-designed system will negate the need for laws that unnecessarily restrict freedom. These are actually among the very reasons I support moving to a global resource-based economic model. We are technically capable of moving to a system that would remove the reward incentive for crime and bump everyone up to a high quality of living - allowing for more freedom than most have in our monetary system, where we have to have money in order to make money and we become enslaved to labor through debt to survive. So I'd be thrilled to have only Natural Laws to answer to and an inherent freedom to pursue my passions in tandem with contributing to an overall healthy enviroment. So those values are definetly there and represented. The very thing that they are concerned about is acknowledged in the design of what we are advocating. Ok here is the other piece of it, we have to know when to walk away. Walk away when the person... (and this is what they look like to us when they are acting this way, anyway I think) ...is not asking any questions, they are just making statements. ...they are asking questions, but they don't appear interested in sincere responses. (they really aren't interested in what you have to say) or ...They are attempting to insult you. There is not need to continue that conversation at that point. We are not trying to be evangelist. In fact, basically the best thing you can do with what we are trying to do as a movement is to sow seeds. and basically as you are sowing seeds and all that is, is just introducing it, not even seeking agreement from that person, but just getting the information to them, having to them to think about it for a second or two and As bio-social pressures rise and more and more people look for a different solution, a more comprehensive solution to today's problems, interest in this train of thought is likely to grow and grow. And part six: Always Maintain a Sense of Humor So I wanna to end on this example because it's one that always give me a chuckle. I can't support this RBE model until I see the hard evidence that it works. Where are the peer-reviewed papers? and I actually gotten this one. And I know of other people that have. So the shared values or concerns behind this response seems to be pretty obvious. The scientific proof, so when response I may say: 'I am also a huge fan of the scientific method. In fact, if you were to create a movement advocating a socio-economic paradigm where the scientific method is the very methodology that determines what ideas and innovations are implemented inmediatly to produce the desired outcome and which one go back to the drawing board for reworking and revision... what might you call that socio-economic movement? We happen to call it The Zeitgeist Movement Thank you. The Zeitgeist Movement Working for change in the dominant intellectual, moral and cultural climate of the time.